Help Me

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I heard the scream. It echoed through the empty hallways. Jenna was safely in class, I had seen her wave the slip and tell me to leave. And now I was alone with a girl's cries and screams. I had to help whoever was there. But I couldn't move. I realized I was scared to. I wanted to help but I didn't want to. I didn't want to know what was wrong. I headed with timid and high-strung nerves to the sound. The girl kept echoing little bits of a cry, the only thing to lead me to her.  She was truly hurt. The screams were loud enough to hear them out of the bathroom. I opened the door knob nervously, ready to be embarrassed by the prospect of even being in the girl's bathroom.  I shielded my eyes, preparing for the worst. But when I opened the door, all I could see were two big shapes and a tiny one sitting down. I opened my eyes all the way. A tiny girl's body was being concealed by two large guys as she sunk down the wall, sliding on her back.

"Such a wimp. Jeez," one of the dudes commented.

I had to help her. She looked helpless. I moved closer, making sure my footsteps were small and wouldn't draw the guys's attention too much. I finally stood full ground. I was ready to say something when the girl looked at me. Wait, no way. But sure enough, it was the same blonde hair, same eyes.

Mandy Busyman.

She was being harassed, probably being teased about her failure to breathe when the guys were pushing her down in the water. These guys had probably witnessed it all and finally found Mandy's true form. She was like everyone else. Still had feelings and insecurities, still had fears and still sometime needed their mom's shoulder to cry on. This was the real Mandy. And they were ready to tease her for it.

"Whatcha lookin' at, huh Mandy? Probably just tryin' to get out of it. Wimp," the guy said to the other guy. They were buff guys with ripped arms. They could take Mandy down in a second.

"No-o-oo, there's some guy-y-y over th-e-ere-e!" She stammered.

She bit her nail, tears coming down her angel face. The guys turned to look at my scared and helpless face. I was scared too. These guys could beat me to shreds.

"What do you think you're doing?" One guy questioned as he crossed his arms and snorted. His spit flew onto my sweatshirt that was three sizes too big. Now I was a walking stain.

"Um, you might not want to tease her. She's sa-"

"Shut up! She deserves all she gets for being like this!"

"Like what?" I stupidly ask, only to find out a hard truth.

The guy who crossed his arms sighs. Mandy motions at me to leave, but I can't. She's in trouble. The guys look back at her red face, begging silently.

The other guy who hasn't really spoke says something that changed my thoughts on Mandy,"This chick's got problems. Anorexia, social anxiety, GAD, and she's a moron. Do you really want, ew, Mandy," he fakely coughs,"to be the queen bee? Of all of you? She's stupid, just like everyone else. And don't pretend you didn't cheat on me you-"

"Hold on. Cheated on you?" I questioned. Everything seemed to be a blur. Mandy's crying, the guys who were talking silently, everything was speeding up and slowing down. I should be in class, but this situation lures me in. Maybe there's more than a lip gloss hoarder and a model than meets the eye. When everyone sees Mandy they think, "Perfect". But what if all of that was a lie? What if Mandy lied?

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