Hiking Boots (Part 2)

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So here I was, locked in the bathroom, my face swollen and a deep crimson from my tears and yelling. Stacia was gone; I could no longer hear her familiar footsteps or her dad yelling and scolding. I curled into a ball and prayed to the lords someone would get me out. I looked around and tried to find a way out. I knew that Stacia had locked the door for good measure and I knew that she was the one with my key to freedom. I whipped my head around violently, tears still streaming and making dried marks on my cheeks. I heard my shoes clack around the tile as I tried to stay calm and seek help. 

Stacia had left me. I was left alone. Confused.

I didn't have any idea on what to do, so I stayed quiet and went to the door, pushing and pulling on the doorknob, praying for release. My grunts became louder and more frustrated as my whole body shook from anger. I was shaking and glassy-eyed, my mind being washed out by fear and anxiety. I sat on my knees, ready to give up. I felt the hot tears slide down my face and drip harmlessly onto the checkered tile, my breath shaky and jagged. I stood up once more, standing tall and fearless. 

Or at least, that's what I'd like to imagine was happening. 

I mirrored mock confidence as I pressed up against the door, leaning on it as hard as I could. I banged on the door with my head, my aching body falling to the floor in a vulnerable heap. I stayed deathly quiet as time passed, each second more riveting then the next.  Suddenly, after what felt like hours bundled up beside the door, I heard two voices. 

I leaned closer. I could feel my whole body crack and ache as I changed position. 

"I can't do this anymore," a high voice argued as I heard footsteps getting closer.

"Yes you can! Are you a fool? This isn't over!"

The angry voice echoed through the hallways, causing a loud sound to come piercing in my ears. 

"Please!" the high voice screamed. 

I sat lifeless as a dead body as I heard them approaching. I looked under the small crack in the doorway, trying to catch a glimpse of their shoes. I saw sandals. A girl. 

Then, I saw shoes black as night, the buttons barely shining against the lights. 

No. No way. 

I moved out of the way as I heard their voices come closer and closer. 

"I'm going in here."

"Please don't!"

What? Was it Stacia? Was she back? But I couldn't remember her wearing sandals, and even so, I still kept my hopes up. 

The door opened with a fwoosh and I backed for cover, moving closer into the stall I cornered myself in when I heard them coming. I heard the sandals slap against the floor as I jammed myself into the corner of the stall,  just as Stacia had done to me. I prayed and prayed, hoping they wouldn't investigate much further. I gulped loudly, a small squeal escaping from my pursed lips. 

I heard them stop. 

NO. NO! 

I closed my eyes until I couldn't feel them and pressed my hands up against the walls of the stall, inching into extinction. I heard the heavy sound of the black shoes turning towards my stall. 

"I was wondering why this one was closed. . ."

No, not today. I waited until I heard a bang on the door.

"Open up! I demand to know who's there!"

"You don't have to do this!"

I heard the girl whimper and cry as the thumping continued. Showtime. 

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