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Louis and Harry decided to do the root canal first and then because I was already going to be really numb for the root canal they would do the filling really quick.
They had just finished the root canal and it sucked! It was long and felt weird and I hated it. The worst part was everytime I'd show a sign of being uncomfortable Harry would make some remake like "you wouldn't be dealing with this if you would take care of your teeth properly" or "if you would have just told us it wouldn't be this bad" finally after like the 10th time Louis yelled at him and told him to shut up. I think that was the highlight of my day.
"Ok Katie we just finished your root canal next is your filling. Do you want to take a little break?" Louis asked.
"I don't care"
"Attitude" Louis warned
"Whatever" I mumbled under my breath.
Niall just looked at me and give me a disappointed look
"How about we take a 5 minutes break. I think we all need it" Niall said.
"Sounds good to me" Louis said storming out. We all just looked at each other. What's his problem.
"I'll go talk to him" Harry said and left. Then there was two
We just sat in silence until Niall broke it "hey listen you know I try to be as fun and easy going as possible but I need to be serious for a minute"
" ok" I say slightly scared
"You really need to lose the attitude and show your brothers that you love that."
"What they know I love them. I'm just mad right now about this whole situation"
"This situation wouldn't have happened if you would have trusted your brothers eno-"
"Oh my god! I'm sorry I didn't tell them ok!! I don't need a lecture from you so just shut up!" I snap. I instantly regret it. "Niall I'm sorry i didn't mean to snap at you!"
"It's fine but seriously be more nice to your brothers. They are trying their hardest to make you happy and it seems like everything they do your mad at them" he said making me feel kinda guilty
"What no-" he cut me off
"Louis said that you started to yell at him today over nothing and cussed at him"
" I know I'm sorry-" he cut me off again he really needs to stop that
"It really hurt his feeling or when Harry missed one of your dance competition. He felt so bad about missing and it and you didn't talk to him for a week. You didn't even let him explain what happened. He was on his way there when he had to call me and have me take him to the ER because his stomach was hurting so bad"
"What!! He never told me he went to the hospital!! Is he ok??" I ask frantic
"Yea he's fine it ended up just being food poisoning and they have him some Medicine and he was a lot better."
"Oh my gosh. I had no idea."
"I know cause you don't give your brothers a chance" Niall said and I sunk into my chair. Thanks for making me feel bad Niall!

Louis POV
Niall said we should take a 5 minute break and I was totally fine with that. I needed a break! I stormed out of the exam room and went to my office.
I just sat down when Harry walked
"Bro what's up? You looked a little pissed when you left."
"It's Katie. It really makes me mad that she waited so long to tell us and she only told us cause I made her."
"I know it's frustrating but you have to remember she's a teenage girl. She's supposed to disrespect her parents and keep secrets from them and we are playing that role since mom and dad died. And I'm sorry that I kept yelling at her. I'm not good at bottling up my feelings like you."
"Yea you're right.... For once I guess"
"Hey! I'm right sometimes" he says punching me.
"Ha sure!" I say and he just glares at me.
"Ok but seriously what are we going to do about Katie"
" I don't know. Ground her for a week maybe?"
"A week? No longer! she was yelling at me for no reason today."
"2 weeks?"
"Harry, she cussed at me and when I-" "she cussed at you? How many times have we told her. No cussing!"
"I know!" We both just sat there for a minute thinking.
"Ok well let's get this all done with so we can go home and we will figure out her punishment later." Harry says.
"Ok let's go" I say as we get up and walk back to the exam room.
Hey guys so sorry I've been so busy lately. Can't make any promises that I will updating a lot. School is just taking so much at of me. Thank you for the continued support. I will update as soon as I can.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Feb 08, 2016 ⏰

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