Dear Elliot-Chapter 1

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 Dedicated to TheAwesomeBlonde for being such a good real life best friend :)

"Lilly! It's time to get up!"

            I groaned and rolled out of bed, grabbing clothes out of my dresser drawers and ducking into the bathroom. A couple of minutes later I was downstairs eating breakfast that my mother was practically shoveling into my mouth. She's a real worrier but she's nice enough.

            I grabbed my bag from the front door and hopped into my BMW. I live about 5 minutes away from Vicksburg High, in a nice neighborhood. My house is nice enough, just like everything else in my life. It's a 3 story building, that's adding on the basement, and my dear sweet mom made sure it was picture perfect, complete with little white picket fence.

            I pulled into the parking lot of Vicksburg and examined myself in my rearview mirror. My very blonde, naturally curly hair was hanging loose around my shoulders. My lips were a glimmering cherry red from the lip gloss I had put on. And my eyes, they were the favorite part of me, were shimmering with icy blueness.

            I  hopped out of the car and was immediately met by my best friend, Bri. Her full name was Sabrina, but Bri definitely suited her better. She was the most feminine girl you could ever come across. She was captain of the cheerleading squad and student body president. How I managed to be friends with her I had no idea.

            Today Bri was dressed in a short and sweet flower print dress with a cute white cardigan on top. She chose to match this with white flats and of course, matching jewelry. Bri had a nice face, with just the right amount of makeup to make her not look like a tramp. Her long, golden hair was pulled back into an intricate bun, with braids going everywhere and it left her bangs hanging just outside her face. I could imagine all the guys heads turning towards her as she walked up to me who, by comparison, looked like a country bumpkin.

            I didn't look bad, it was just that Bri looked incredibly good. I was wearing jeans that had rips in them and a flannel shirt over a white tank top. I had a nice amount of cleavage spilling over that top however. When Bri reached me she smiled.

            "Guess what, Lil?" She said, biting her lip in excitement. Lil was her nickname for me. My full name is Lillian Addison Paisley, but Lillian never seemed to fit my sarcastic personality. It would have been perfect on Bri though.

            "You've been made president of some club? Celibacy club?" I said with very much mock excitement in my voice. Bri flipped her bangs back with a huff, now slightly annoyed at me.

            "No," she said calmly. "He asked me out!" she started squealing and jumping up and down. I did my best to put on an excited face although I wasn't exactly sure who she was talking about.

            "Who?" I said still jumping up and down in time with Bri. Bri stopped.

            "Shawn. Shawn asked me out. Remember I've been talking about how we've been dancing around it for weeks? Well he finally grew a set and asked me." She started jumping up and down again but the bell rang and she and I rushed off to our perspective classes.

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