Dear Elliot-Chapter 11

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Hey guys!! So I'm hoping that me posting 3 chapters of Dear Elliot in one night is making up for the 3 months that I didn't post anything. :) I'd like to dedicate this chapter to another really sweet fan IMAFISH11 because she's been super supportive of me and is always leaving me awesome positive comments! So woohoo yay her she's awesome!!! So anyways, hope you like the chapter and since I'm bursting with inspiration I might have another one up within the next 2 hours or so!!!! like/comment/vote/tell your friends!! love you guys!!




Chapter 11 

I drove home quickly and scratched down some quick answers to my homework, not incredibly focused. I was still dazed by what had happened in the hallway with Carter. He had protected me, actually stepped in front of me and stopped Shawn. 

I went upstairs and looked through my closet. I wanted to get ready for my date with Carter, somehow, I was even more excited for this date than I had been for my date with Elliot. I rooted through my closet and found a tight dress with a black top and a loose teal skirt. I slipped it on and ran my fingers underneath the straps to straighten them out. I straightened my skirt and found the very strappy black heels that I owned that would probably make me about three inches taller. I strapped them on and looked at myself in the mirror. I actually liked the way I looked and I walked into the bathroom to do my hair. 

I played with my loose curls, teasing them around my fingers to make them slightly curlier. I swiped on some teal eye shadow and was about to put on the cherry lip gloss that I loved so much when I had a sudden pang of Elliot. I put the cap back on and put it down and then grabbed my light pink lip gloss instead. Just as I had finished I heard the doorbell ring. 

I hopped down the stairs and opened the door to see Carter standing right in front of me, looking incredibly sexy. He had on black dress pants and a white button down dress shirt. He had a black skinny tie on and he stared up at me with those piercing hazel eyes that I was starting to like quite a lot. He smiled at me and looked me over. 

"Hi. Carter, my eyes are up here." I said and his eyes snapped up from scanning over my legs. He blushed a little and I smiled at him. He offered his hand out and sucked in a little air, smiling like he was incredibly nervous. I took his hand and felt the heat that was becoming incredibly familiar to me. He led me to his car and I climbed in. He climbed in to his own side and backed out of my driveway driving down the road. 

"So where is this mysterious place that we're going to be going to?" I asked and Carter looked over at me with a very sneaky smile. I narrowed my eyes at him and he laughed and shrugged nonchalantly. 

"You'll see. " he said and he looked over at me and smiled happily. I sat for a minute, not really needing to say anything. 

"So, thanks for this afternoon. Shawn, he is really being horrible. You showed him though." I said, trying to smile a little. Carter got seriousness for a moment. He reached over and turned off the radio and furrowed his eyebrows at me. 

"Lily, what happened with Shawn? Why was he harassing you like that?" Carter asked me and I grimaced. I hated going in to the story but somehow Carter had something that made me want to tell him. 

"He asked me out a while ago. He kissed me when he was dating Bri and he's just a complete sleaze ball." I said and I didn't even have a pang when I said Bri. We hadn't talked today and I had sat with Carter at lunch, not even bothering with Bri. I'm pretty sure that our friendship was dead and gone and it was like a weight lifted off my shoulders. I don't think she even knew about Elliot. Or Carter. Carter grimaced at my story about Shawn. 

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