Chapter 4

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Even though it was the calmest  sleep I'd had in a long time, I still managed to wake up a little after 5 in the morning... well before everyone else and for that I was glad. I silently made my way down stairs, padded my way into the kitchen and silently began to open all of the cabinets so that I could visually memorize where everything was, strangely almost all of it was still where it had been when I was a child. Then I got to work pulling the things that I needed out and quickly began putting together a big enough breakfast suitable to my extended family... I refused to think of any of them as my employees. I was in the middle of checking the ham as I was flipping the bacon and sipping at my freshly made coffee, when I heard someone stop in the doorway of the kitchen. I glance over my shoulder and find Drew standing there, looking a little ruffled with just-rolled-out-of-bed hair and a shocked expression upon his face as he looked at the still steaming hot food that was sitting on the counter top waiting to be eaten.

"You can help yourself, coffee just finished brewing about two minutes ago." I tell him in a tone just above a whisper, but not loud enough to wake anyone who was still sleeping, "Ham will be out in about 10 more minutes and I'm taking requests on eggs... and don't eat all the potatoes, they're my favorite."

"I don't know if I remember the last time anyone beat me to the kitchen... and I don't even cook for everyone, I set some of the stuff out and just brew the coffee." I hear him mutter as he finished entering the kitchen, "Oh, and that's my mug."

I look at him, to the mug and then blink back at him for a moment before feeling my face heat up just a little.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize... no one was awake... I'm so sorry." I began to say as I set down the mug and then quickly began to search for another one for me to use.

"It's okay... everyone else doesn't really care, that's why most of the mugs are yellow or white." He tells me as he stops my frantic searching and places his mug back into my hands, "My mom just got me that one because it's one of my favorite colors."

"Your favorite color is blue?" I ask as I look at the mug then at him once more.

"Blue, Green and Red... they're tied as my favorite color." He smiles crookedly at me and I raise a brow at him.

"Blue, Green and Purple... looks like we might actually have some things in common." I inform him as I sip at my coffee once more and put another round of bacon onto the frying pan.

"Looks like." He says as he grabs two mugs from the cabinet, one is a Tan mug with his mom's name is written on it and the other is a white mug, both of which he pours coffee into... and then proceeds to mix them in different ways.

No sooner had he finished mixing the two coffees than his mother shuffled her way into the kitchen and froze just inside the doorway in order to stare at the food then look around at the scene before her. I saw the corner of her mouth twitch with the desire to smile when she saw the blue mug in my hand, but she held back because her son had noticed it to and was already glaring at his mother. She silently took a plate, piled on some food, told me what kind of eggs she wanted and I brought them to her while Drew got his own plate of food after setting their mugs onto the table... and taking two heaping spoon-fulls of the potatoes as he sent me a teasing smile when I rolled my eyes at him.

Not long after that, some of the rest of our family started coming into the main part of the house from the rooms in the back... all of them drawn by the smell of the fresh food and coffee. Watching all of them smile and laugh quietly in the morning as they helped themselves to the food that I had cooked for them was a joy that lifted a weight from my heart. I was watching as the few kids that were staying here with their parents ate, and then I set my empty mug by the kitchen sink, grabbed a bowl full of the potatoes, shoved a spoon into the bowl and then hurried out of the room with a piece of toast in my mouth as I made my way back up stairs. I had the toast finished by the time I reached my bedroom door and once inside my new room, I was eating the potatoes as I got on a pair of jeans and a tank top. Tying a button-up blouse around my waist quickly as I scooped up another mouthful of potatoes, I shoved my socked feet into a pair of tennis shoes and quickly tied them as I chewed the food within my mouth.

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