Chapter 7

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I stirred gently, knowing that I was still in the clearing, and carefully opened my eyes... and then groaned as I wished that I could close them once again. However, that wouldn't erase the person who was currently sitting less than a foot away from me.

"What in the hell... Blake, why are you here?" I complained as I slowly got up into a sitting position and glared at him as I ran a hand through my hair.

"I should be asking you that." He grumbled but was silenced with a smack to the back of the head by a stunning woman I have never met before.

"Son, you shouldn't be so rude to an Ancient, she's far beyond your skill level when it comes to a fight, so don't bother." The woman informs him before smiling at me, "I am Blake's mother, please call me Gloria."

"Diane, I'm pleased to meet you." I reply a little awkwardly since I have to look up at her from my place on the ground.

"You really do look like them..." Lady Gloria murmured under her breath and I tilted my head to the right just a bit in my confusion.

"Look like who?" I inquired as I met her shocked gaze.

"I'm sorry my dear, your mother and human father... they were friends of mine, your mother was my bonded Ancient. My adviser of sorts you could say." Lady Gloria explains to me.

"You knew my parents?" I mutter as I feel my entire face light up with shock and joy all at once.

Her nod is all the confirmation I need in order to jump to my feet in excitement, but because I had just recently fainted I ended up nearly falling over again... but Blake gently grabbed a hold of my arm and kept me upright. It was while his Right hand was supporting me by my Left arm that I noticed what appeared to be matching marks on both him and myself.

"What's this?" I asked as I grabbed at his arm and held my forearm next to his, "Why do we have the same mark on our arms? I didn't have this before just now."

"Calm down will you, it's not like I tattooed you when you fainted..." Blake gives me a stern look and I pull away from him in order to cross my arms over my chest, "It's the mark of a Partnership between the Royal Family and the Ancient Race."

"And that means what?" I ask him as I motion for him to continue.

"It's how your mother and I were." Lady Gloria informs me and I look to her once more, "The Ancient Bloodline is the oldest and strongest of all the Fae. Their connection to nature is stronger, their need to protect the land is stronger, their powers are far beyond our own and their lives are much much longer than our own... it is because of their long life spans that they choose not to rule over us, they were the wisest of us and knew that change was needed every now and again to keep progress moving at an appropriate rate."

"So the Ancients became advisers to the Royal family. However not just any Ancient could advise a Royal Family member, they had to be compatible, in a sense, which is why the mark was forged between the two families. It appears upon the right wrist of the men and the left wrist of the women." Blake added onto what his mother had told me.

"Good to know that we were friends for two years in college and neither of us knew the other's secret." I laugh softly as Blake just rolls his eyes at me, "I'd really like to hear more and get to know more about my parents, but I have to get back to the Ranch... they're going to be looking for me because the Mare took off with me on her back."

"With you having returned to the land that is your birth right, we have all the time in the world to catch up." Gloria tells me as she gives me a gentle hug and kisses my forehead.

"I'll come by the Ranch sometime soon and 'visit' my old friend." Blake smiles at me and offers me his fist, in which I hit with my own fist gently.

"I'll try not to faint next time." I reply as I feel my wings mold together with my skin once more.

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