Invasion of the What!?

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Louis ^^^^^^^

Louis POV

"Goodbye Mom!" I screamed after taking my bags out of the back of her car.

"Bye Louis! Make sure you call me I want to see what my babies up to every once and a while ok?" My mom said through the rolled down window.

"Yes mom. Can you leave now?" I said pointing to the exit.

"Okay, okay I'm leaving! I love you!" She said starting to drive away.

"Love you too." I said back.

I waved at her car until I couldn't see her anymore.

I let out a breath of relief and dropped my bags onto the ground.

"Finally freedom."

Hey I'm Louis Daniels I'm 15 years old and I'm was born and raised in New Jersey. I've been coming to Camp Masters for six years now and I love it here. Good food, great friends, and best of all NO GIRLS!

Speaking of good friends let me tell you about mine.

Up first, Jack Vega from Ohio he's the brains of the group always talking about math, books, and science, but he's a cool guy under all that....knowledge.

Next is Denton Wilson the mad man from Hawaii. This kid is up for anything one time he tried to bungee jump off the top of the Mess Hall.

Matthew Anderson. He's from Texas and basically if you don't like football, don't know how to play football, or aren't a football you are irrelevant to him.

Next, Shay Tyler.  He's the "heartthrob" of the group. That dude can get any girl he wants just by smiling at them. Last year he snuck out of camp to hang out with some girls from an all girls camp. He got caught but he also got numbers from about fifty girls so, the punishment didn't really phase him.  Shay lives in London so he gets to camp a week later.

And last but not least Wesley Bishop. He's an army brat so he moves around a lot the last time I heard from him he was in Georgia. One word prankster. Last year he glued a counselors desk to the ceiling.

I picked up my bags and started walking to the cabin me and the boys usually stay in, Cabin 45, it's where we first met and where most of our most funny/memorable moments happen.

I approach the cabin to hear silence.

"Am I the first one here?" I said to myself.

I walked in the cabin to see all the boys looking devastated, well all except Wesley he was playing games on his phone.

I put on a smile, "Hey guys!"

All the boys, except Wesley, looked at me with said puppy dog eyes so I decided to make a joke to cheer them up.

"What, did your mommies not call you?" I asked half laughing at my own joke.

"You don't know do you?" Matt asked

"Know what?" I asked back


"What! Why!?" I said surprised.

"Camp Masters' financial cohesion wasn't doing so well so they decided to invite females to raise their income." Jack answered.

We all looked at him confused.

"In English please big brain." Wesley said.

"Camp wasn't making enough money so they invited girls in to get the money they needed to keep going." Jack said rolling his eyes at Wesley.

I threw my bags on my bed and sat down.

"Does Shay know?" I asked

"Wes texted him a while back and he responded with the smirking emoji. I don't think he's as distressed about this as we are dude."

Typical. Shay is a ladies man so of course he'd see this as a conquest instead of a problem.

"This can't be happening." I muttered to myself.

"Well it is and we need to find a way to stop it." Denton said in thought.

"Just make them feel unwelcome." Wesley said still engrossed in his game.

"And how are we supposed to do that?" Matt asked.

Wesley scoffed, paused his game, and sat up.

"Girls are sensitive. If you make them feel bad like calling them ugly or making fun of their clothes and hair they'll feel unwelcome and they'll want to leave." Wesley explained.

"And what if that doesn't work?" I asked.

"Then do what I do, prank them." Wesley answered.

We sat in silence for a little bit before Denton spoke.

"That just might work!" He said smiling like the maniac he is.

"You know for an idiot that was a rather smart idea." Jack said nodding his head in approval.

"Why thank you...wait!" Wesley said getting what Jack said.

This made us all laugh for a solid 5 minutes while Wesley scowled at us.

"Ok so what are we going to call this operation?" I asked.

Every time we plan some kind of prank we always call it an operation.

For example last summer we put a gold fish in the head counselors coffee we called it Operation Just Keep Swimming.

"Hmmm how about Operation Girls Be Gone?" Matt asked.

"Ok, well then gentlemen let Operation Girls Be Gone begin." I said with a smirk.

This is going to be an interesting summer.

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