Invasion of the New Camp

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Annie's POV

WOW! It's beautiful out here! But if I stay in this car one more minute I'm going to kill some!!

Hi There! My name is Annie Blackwell I'm 15 years old and myself along with my friends are from Missouri.

Right now we are driving to summer camp. It's called Camp Masters and it just allowed girls in so we thought why not can't be any worse then our last camp....don't ask.

My friends and I have known each other since birth basically, our moms were college friends and decided, without our consent, that we were going to be friends too. Good thing we all get along or that game plan could have gone horribly, horribly wrong.

I think the reason we work so well is because we each have our own roles. For instance I'm the Smart/Responsible/Awkward one. Basically I'm the reason that we are not all in jail. You can call me sophisticated but I'll have to kill you.

First up is Bentley Taylor. She's the Talkative/Courageous/Funny one. There is never a time were I don't see Bentley talking to someone, be it good or bad, and that is where the courageous part comes in. This chick is the epitome of courage one time in Kindergarten she yelled at a bunch of 8th graders for walking under the monkey bars she probably would have hurt someone if it weren't for me and Drew. But even through all that she still is a great friend and the person you want to go to if you need some cheering up.

Next is Drew Casller. She's the Mama Bear/Sensible/Adorable one. Now I love all my friend but me and Drew are the closest due to our static in the group. She's short and everyone thinks she's adorable but don't let her looks fool you that girl can tackle! Drew is always giving us advice, and taking care of us. One time she cleaned my ENTIRE room and that my friends is not an easy job. Overall Drew is pretty awesome.

Reed Masterson, she's the Sassy/Strong/Sarcastic one. Reed is NOT a person you want to anger or get in a fight with. She's just a giant ball of sarcasm and you either love it or you hate it there is no in between. We, fortunately, have learned to love it...well more or less. If you ever think of hurting one of Reeds friends, don't because she will kill you and think nothing about it.

Kamden Jones, she's the Flirty/Preppy/Crazy one. Kamden is one of the happiest people I have ever met, sometimes we have to restrain her from saying hi to every person who passes by. Two words. Flirting. Machine. She will literally flirt with anything with a pulse. Sometimes its a plus, other times not so much. But through all of that she really is a good listener when she needs to be.

And last but not least Delilah Baker. She's the Leader/Weird/Sporty one. Lila has always kind of led the group she's the one who suggested that we come to summer camp in the first place. I don't even know how many sports she plays, which is the reason she is not in the car, but I do now that she's good at ALL of them. While playing sports Lila is totally serious but when she's with us she's a giant weirdo and just the person you want to be with when you want to relax or just hang out.

Our car has come to a stop, guess it's time to get out.

''Bentley get your butt out of my face!'' Reed screamed at Bentley.

''Oh you love it.'' Bentley said wiggling her butt in Reed's face.

''If you don't get your butt out of my face right now I'm going to bite it!'' Reed screamed even louder.

''Do I-OW!'' Bentley screamed in pain.

This caused all of us to laugh.

''You're all horrible friends and I hate you!'' Bentley screamed getting out of the car.

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