97. He Asks You To Marry Him In His Sleep Part 2

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Michael: "Care to explain, Michael?" He was at a loss for words cause over the two years you guys had been together, whenever he spoke in his sleep, it was a serious matter that carried on when he was awake, this time was hopefully no exception. He sat up right alongside you and shook his head. "Why is it always the things i wanna keep a secret are the things i say in my sleep and you always hear, you have bad timing of hearing me talk." You smirk. "I wouldn't say bad timing, just good timing unintentionally coming from you." He got out of the bed and walked out of the room for a few minutes and you were beginning to think he wasn't coming back for the rest of the night and you laid back down to go to sleep. Your chances of getting back to sleep were lost when the light from the  turned on as Michael reopened the door to your bedroom. "What are you doing?" he asked. "Going back to sleep." you try but he shakes his head and sits you up. "No, you're going to listen to me." "About what?" "This." he had something balled up in his fist and put it in your hand. You opened your hand to see a gorgeous ring looking back at you. "Michael, what is this?" He smirked and kissed your hand. "It's an , (YN), i hope you'll put it on your finger and marry me."

Luke: You woke up to an empty bed and sighed, of course Luke had to be at the studio early, leaving you wondering about his sleepy words the night before. All day you kept yourself busy doing your  school work, then cleaned up the house and then you even managed to make dinner for you and Luke. You just pulled the dinner out of the oven when Luke came home. "Hey, (YN), smells good. You actually cooked?" you grinned at him as he sat down at the table across from you. "Yeah, got the  from online, hope you'll like it." He grinned and the two of you began eating. "How was your day?" you asked and he told you all about the studio and then he asked you. "How was your day? Super productive from the looks of it." You nod. "Yeah, but my mind has been doing a lot of thinking also." "About?" "Last night." "What happened last night?" "You talked in your sleep, and said a few things that i'm not sure you meant. I'm not sure if you really want it or you were just truly sleep talking." "What'd i say?" "Something about a ring and wanting to marry someone." Luke gulped. "Wow." "It was just sleep talk wasn't it. No meaning whatsoever. I should've known, we're only teens, not yet 20, i shouldn't even put too much thought to it." Luke put a hand on yours to stop your talking. "(YN), i may have said it in my sleep, but, i can honestly say, it wasn't just sleep talk. I do wanna marry you, i don't care how young we are, i don't care what other people are going to say, i wanna marry you."

Ashton: After he said that in his sleep, you fell asleep and didn't wake up until you heard him rumbling around the room, so you slowly cracked your eyes open. "Ashton." you say and Ashton smirked over at you. "Hey baby girl, you're finally up. I've been waiting, wanted to say something to ya." "Me first." you say as you sit up and that gets Ashton's attention and he sits at your feet on the bed, smiling at you. "Did i do something wrong?" "Not something wrong, but more so, something you said in your sleep last night." He fell back against the bed and covered his face with his hands. "What'd i say?" "You were going to marry me." you say just like you would anything else to him and he quickly removed his hands and sat up alertedly. "I said i was going to marry you?" You nod. "Damn it!" he says and jumps off the bed and you stare after him, frightened you just triggered something you shouldn't have. "Ashton, what'd i do wrong?" "Nothing." he says and turns to face you. "Absolutely nothing. It's just, you know how i wanted to say something to you this morning before you told me what you said?" "Yeah, why?"  He got closer to you and moved himself to the one knee position, reached inside your and pulled out a box. "I really do wanna marry you. Not just my sleep talk, but for real, i really do wanna marry you."

Calum: After Calum recovered from his little tumble, you two sat side by side on the couch. "What do we need to talk about at three in the morning, (YN)? The fight? Can we just forget that ever happened, please? If you forget it happened, i'll forget it happened and we can both just move on with our lives." You shake your head. "It's not about the fight Calum. I know i'm probably overreacting here, but, you were kind of talking in your sleep." "What'd i say?" A small smile formed on his oh so kissable lips and you had a small small as well. "Like i said i'm probably overreacting and i'm probably going to get embarrassed and humiliated by this but, Cal, you kind of asked me to marry you in your sleep." His eyes widened with pure shock. "I asked you to marry me, in my sleep?" You nod. "Yeah." "Wow. Um, well..." "You don't really want to marry me do you?" you asked, your head down and Calum chuckled. "Quite the opposite, i do wanna marry you, it's just, i haven't found the perfect ring for you yet. I'm still searching for it. Can i propose without a ring or what? Cause as soon as i find a ring, i'll give it to you, i just, do you wanna marry me?" You smiled and sat on his lap. "I'd love to marry you. With or without a ring."

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