104. Detention

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Ashton: You were already running late to every class you had all day and now that you had detention from being late to those classes, you were now late for detention. You walked in and the loud room grew quiet. You never did anything wrong and yet here you were in detention. You looked around for a seat to sit in but couldn't find one until Ashton came up to you, took your hand, slapped a few people to get them to quit staring at you and brought you to the desk he sat in. "Where am i supposed to sit?" you ask and he groans and grabs your hips, placing them on his lap. "This is a tiny classroom, not meant for as many kids that are in here. But anyways girly girl, what's got Mrs. Innocent in detention with the troublesome kids." "I was late. Nothing could go right for me today, the teachers wouldn't cut me any slack for never doing it before, they just went right for the detention." You were upset about it, you never got detention and Ashton shook his head with a grin. "Well well, (YN), maybe we can keep each other out of detention from now on? Help each other?" He held out a hand and you shook it. "Okay."

Luke: You smacked your gum loudly trying to get his attention, so far he had  restraint and wasn't falling for your attempts. When your gum lost it's flavor you wrapped it in the wrapper and chucked it at his head when the teacher wasn't looking, that finally did it. He turned, eyes blazing with fury. "Stop!" You liked the  of him being angry. "Be back in two minutes!" The teacher said and left the room which gave you the perfect amount of time to go to Luke. "What if i don't stop? What are you going to do? Get us both another day of detentions where i can  bugging you? Look i get it, you're a quiet good kid, and i'm well, i'm not. I'm quite a bitch, or that's what i hear anyways. But you, Hemmings, you're cute and i want to actually get to know you better." "You? You want to get to know me better?" He asked and you nodded. "Yeah." "Out of sympathy?" "Hell no, i'm not shallow Hemmings." "Fine, after this we'll go get lunch, sound good?" You actually blushed. "Yeah, sounds good."

Calum: The detention room was packed wall to wall with kids. Surprisingly with all those kids, you only recognised one. Calum Hood. He was your neighbor and the quiet kid in school, unlike how he was at home around you. Sneaking around a few people you managed to find an empty seat next to Calum and sat down in it. "What got you in here? Wear the wrong pair of nerdy glasses to class today" you ask and he looks upset with himself, your joke not lifting his mood. "You know how my dog likes to chew?" "Yeah." "Well he got my homework and i'm not joking and of course the  i was lying and gave me detention because she thought i was messing with her." "Oh shame on you, Hood." You smirked getting a smile from him as well. "Movies after?" you asked and he laughed. "Sure, i pick this time though please!" You sigh and relax in your seat. "Fine nerdy boy, you pick the movie, but make it a good one."

Michael: The bad boy and the bad girl, in one room together had the few people in there a little scared. Michael and yourself sat in the back of the room, two desks occupied the rest unoccupied. The front of the room had the rest of the detention kids huddled together. Neither one of you minded it, it gave you alone time. Your parents never approved of you two being together, so you guys constantly got detention to spend time with each other. "Time's almost up." you spoke sadly, Michael lifted your chin. "Look, you can be the bad girl at school, why can't you be the bad girl at home? Are you that much of a good kid that your parents don't want you to be ? You need to stand up to them for once, (YN). Granted i don't mind getting detention with you, but these aren't really the kind of dates i want to take you on. I want to take you on a proper one, not here though. Speak up to your parents." "With your help, i will."

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