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Grayson's POV

Stupid ass cockblocking Ethan.

We were all currently sitting at the dining table eating our breakfast. I was just about to kiss Macy but Ethan came in the room ruining anything. Macy hasn't stopped blushing since then and I knew she enjoyed it as much as I did.

I'm really not the type to do this the second day I've seen a girl but there's something about her.

It's an awkward silence at the table considering what just happened minutes ago.

"So Macy, how long are you planning to stay here? Not sounding rude or anything." Ethan speaks up.

"I'm going home today." She says with a frown on her face.

Damn. I was really hoping she'd stay longer.

"We'll take you home. It's the least we could do." I say. "I mean your house may not be that far so it won't be a problem."

"Yeah that would be great thanks." She smiles.

"But, you can't go without having a day out with us." Ethan says to her.



We have spent all day at the mall and I haven't had so much fun like this in a long time. We went to the arcades to played some games, we went inside the stores and took goofy pictures. We met a few fans and took pictures.

We were now dropping her off at home but before she left the car we all exchanged numbers. Her house wasn't far from the hotel so she didn't come a long way.

I walked her up to her house and turned to look at her.

"I had fun today." I say. "I've not had this much fun since, well you know." I say referring to Jack. She nods her head understanding.

"Me too. It was really great. Thank you for everything." She smiles at me and I smile back. We are both leaning into each other like we are magnets and I press my lips to hers and kiss her.

It's lasts for at least ten seconds before we both pull away at the same time. Her cheeks are flushed and she looks at the ground. I put my finger to her chin and make her look up.

"Hey, don't hide that smile. It's beautiful." I say then I kiss her on the cheek and walk to the car. I sit in the car and look at her house to see that she has already gone.

I turn my head to see Ethan giving me the googley eyes and a small smirk on his lips.

"What?" I say to him.

"YOU KISSED HER BOII!" He exclaims while jumping in his seat. "But you need to be careful. The press could see it."



"I don't give a shit."

He shakes his head and laughs as he drives off.

Damn that kiss was so good. I decide to text her on the drive home.

Me : Hey Princess❤️

Princess❤️ : Hey Gray

Princess❤️ : Ooo that rhymed😝

Me: You're cute. What are you doing?

Princess❤️ : Recovering

Me: I have that effect on girls. And by girls I mean you😉

Princess❤️ : You're making me blush hehe. I'm tired I'm going to go to sleep now. Sleep tight gray💙

Me: Sleep tight princess❤️


This story is dragging haha sorry.

They kissed woooohoooooo!! 

Love you guys

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