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Macy's POV

It has been a week since the fight and Ethan has been discharged from the hospital. Grayson stuck to his words about demanding a rematch with Antonio. He spoke to Derek about the rematch but he refused in fear that he would lose and he'll lose his, well Grayson's, winning money.

But after days of convincing, Grayson finally got what he wanted. It was a week from now that the fight was and everyone was twice as pumped for this one than the other one.

We didn't really spend much time together as he was training but I was with Ethan most of the time and looking after him.

When Ethan was at the hospital he met a young nurse. He kind of flirted his way around and got her number. Now the two haven't stopped texting since.

"Ethan." I call him.

No reply.

"Ethan!" I say a little louder.

Still no reply.

"ETHAN!" I yell at the top of my voice which startles him and he falls off the couch. I double over in laughter as he groans in pain on the floor. After my laughing fit I help him up and he sits in the couch.

He bruises are still prominent on his face but there is no more pain in his body. But I'm just taking care of him while Grayson and Derek go out to train.

"What's up?" He says to me.

"Nothing I'm just bored. Let's do something."

"We can't leave the hotel until Gray and Derek come back which is in like two hours. You know that." He says sternly.

"I know that you clump nugget." I roll my eyes. "I want to do something fun in here. Like cooking o-"

"Nooo...." He interrupts me.

"How about playing Black O-"

"Hate that game." He groans. After a moment of thinking his eyes widen. "I know!" He jumps up. "Let's build a fort for when Grayson gets back. And we'll watch a movie inside the fort."

I agree and we both start building our fort. We get all the blankets and the pillows from the rooms and start our masterpiece. We have a mini pillow fight when Ethan disagrees with my ideas but we finally come to an agreement. He does one side and I do the other.

I use all sorts of things to keep the blankets up so they don't fall. I put pillows underneath the blankets that is arms length high if you're underneath it. We move the couch to the back of the room but close enough to lean on while we're watching the movie.

I see Ethan trying to balance the blanket and it keeps falling but he gets frustrated so I go over to help him. I go over to his side and it looks amazing.

"Ethan this looks awesome!"

"Thanks. Gray and I used to do this a lot back in the day. It was so much fun. Then Jack..." He trails off.

"I know all about it. Grayson told me, it's okay. I'm sorry to hear about it." I say quietly.

"It's okay. I mean I miss him so much but there's nothing we can do but pray he's in a better place." He smiles. "Grayson took his death hard. That's why he is doing all this fighting stuff. You probably know all this already. But I just wanted to let you know that you are the best thing that's ever happened to Grayson. He's a lot happier and he's even more fun to be around. So thank you."

Fighter • Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now