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Grayson's POV

I take a deep breath and watch Ethan as he does air punches (you know punching the air idfk) while looking in the mirror.

I'm so nervous for him it's unreal. I can't fathom the fact that he'll get hurt. Yeah he's strong but not as much as me. I'm not trying to boast or anything but I trained a lot more than him. He only trained when I needed someone there with me or when he was bored.

Ethan is going to wear a mask so people don't realise it's him and not me fighting.

I can hear the crowd roar on the other side of the arena. We're in the dressing rooms right now. Macy is sat next to me and I can tell she is nervous because she is bouncing her leg up and down. I grab her hand a give it light squeeze for reassurance. She looks at me and gives me a small smile.

"Now, the moment you've all be waiting for," the announcer says into the microphone. "Please welcome the youngest boxer ever from New Jersey, Grayson Dolan!"

The crowd roars and chants my name. I walk up to Ethan and look him in the eye. "Good luck big bro. You'll do well I know it." I give him I goofy smile and he returns it.

"Don't worry, I'll do you proud." He gives me a hug and pats my back and runs onto the stage. I walk back to Macy and give her hug. She seems taken aback but hugs me back anyway. We stay like that until we hear the announcer say that it's Round 1.

We make our way to the arena and sit on the seats in front of the stage. I see Macy waving her hand to someone and I see two guys walking towards her. She hugs them both and they sit down next to her. I can't say there wasn't a hint of jealousy when she hugged them but that's the least of my worries right now.

"Grayson this is my brother Aaron and my best friend Jason." Oh. Jealousy gone. We shake hands and put our focus back on the fight.

The bell dings and match finally starts. The opponent jumps towards Ethan and I flinch but he was just messing with him. Trying to scare Ethan.


He throws his first punch towards Ethan and he dodges and crawls underneath his legs. A laugh a little because it's something he would do. The opponent is taken aback and he takes his time to realise what has just happen. Meanwhile Ethan grabs his leg from behind and pulls it so he looses his balance and falls over. The opponent turns around while he is falling and Ethan punches his square in the jaw so it counts that he hit him and he falls to the ground.

The crowd goes absolutely insane and we all stand up screaming and applauding him. You can just about see the smile on Ethan's face face while everyone cheers him on.

Round 2 starts and I'm feeling quite confident in Ethan. This round just consists of them jumping at each other and walking around in a circle. It's Ethan who makes the first move and aims to punch his face but he grabs ahold of his fist and uses his other hand to punch Ethan in the stomach. I jump up and worry is clear on my face and Ethan gasps for air and coughs his lungs out. I run up to to the stage and call Ethan to the side.

The round hasn't ended yet but he took a hard blow to the stomach so he needs like a two minute rest until he gets his breath back.

"Hey, you okay?" I ask him worry clear in my shaky voice.

"Yeah," he coughs, "I'm fine. I'll be alright don't worry. Hey can you grab the water bottle please?"

I give him his water bottle and watch him as he takes a few gulps of water before passing it back to me.

"Let's do this." He pats my shoulder and gets up. He does a few jumps and air punches before finishing off the round.

I sit back down and Macy holds my hand. "He'll be okay. I promise." She reassures me.

The opponent looks furious now and I'm actually worried for Ethan now. He's twice the size of him. He throws a punch towards Ethan but he jumps back and runs behind him.

He turns around and fake punches Ethan in the face and takes him by surprise and connects his other fist to the side of his face. He stumbles back and the opponent punches his again on the other side of his face and punches his stomach. Ethan's legs give in and he falls on the floor clutching his stomach. His nose is bleeding and his eye and his lip is cut. Blood comes gushing out of his nose.

The opponent gets carried away and kicks Ethan as hard as he can in his stomach.


I jump in the boxing ring and kneel down next to Ethan. His eyes are closed and his breathing is slow.

Two guys pull the crazy bastard away and off the boxing ring. The announcer tells everyone that the other guy is disqualified and I've won the match. The crowds cheers and chants my name.

"Ethan? Ethan open your eyes buddy. Ethan!" His eyes are still closed but he moves his head. I take his mask of slowly and he winces. Tears are coming out of his eyes because of the pain.

"Hey," he manages to say. "You won. You got it." He says in a strained voice but keeps that smile on his face. His left is is swollen and it's black and blue. He can barely open it because it's swollen so much. His cheek is bruised badly and his nose is visibly broken and blood is gushing out. His lip is cut and blood is seeping out of it.

Macy and her brother come into the boxing ring and kneel down next to me.

"He's not opening his eyes and he's loosing a lot of blood." I cry. "Fuck, please help him!" I yell to the people around me.

"They've called the ambulance and the first aiders are coming."  Macy tells me while crying.

"Ethan," I cry. "Please please stay awake. Open your eyes." I slowly lift his head and put it on my lap. I get a towel from the first aiders and put it on his nose to stop the bleeding. His blood is all over my my hands and my shirt but I couldn't care less.

He breaths are slow and he doesn't move a muscle. He slowly opens his eyes and looks at me.

"Grayson, I'm tired. I want to sleep."

"No Ethan! Try and stay awake. Don't talk, just please try and stay awake. I can't lose you either. Please." He closes his eyes and passes out. I put my head on his forehead and bawl my eyes out.

The ambulance is finally here. They pry me off Ethan and put him on the gurney and in the ambulance. Only two people are allowed in the ambulance so Macy and I go in the back with Ethan and the doctor.

Aaron and Macy's friend make their own way to the hospital but Macy insists they go home and she'll call them.

We step in the ambulance and make our way to the hospital. I put my head in my hands and cry. I knew I shouldn't of let him to do this. It's all my fault. I lost Jack, I can't loose Ethan either. It's all my fault.


I cried writing this chapter :'(
Tell me what you guys think XD

Thank you :)

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