Ch.1 -all hell breaks loose

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" Hey, I have something to tell you but your going to hate me if I do". This is what my best guy friend, Ashton, tells me as we walk to our vocational classes. Now if he had been anyone else I would have been nervousness but I've know Ashton to long to get mad at him for something stupid he's done. But with how nervous he is that makes me worried.

" what is it?" I ask a bit scared of his answer
I looked up at him, I'm 5'2" and he's 6' 5" so needless to say I feel small next to him, the look on his face makes me even more worried. He looks scared I've never seen him actually look scared.

" Ashton come on it can't be that bad"

" oh it is. You'll hate me when I tell you"

" well tell me and I'll decide for myself"

" okay." He takes a deep breath. " you remember Kelsey, my ex? "

" yeah can I forget her "

Kelsey was a girl Ashton had dated for like 3 months. He broke up with her about 3 weeks ago right after we got back from our skills competition cuz she was completely crazy. She made a fuss about everything. She drove everyone crazy. No one liked her, it's amazing she can still get a boyfriend.

" yeah, well she kept texting me wanting to get back together so I got mad like every time we talk and I told her I did something with.... With someone to get to go away"

" okay understandable but what did u tell her? " I asked a little confused

" I um told her that um......weslepttogeter "

" what? You told her what?"

He let a sigh then said " I told her we slept together"

" really! You told her WE SLEPT TOGETHER!!!!"

" see told u would be mad"

" oh I'm not mad I just don't understand how the first thing that popped in your head to say you cheated with me"

" I don't know it was late, I was mad, I may have also been slightly drunk, it was the first thing that came to mind"

" really the first thing that came to your mind was that we slept together"

"So it's true" we hear an annoying voice say behind us. We turn around to find Kelsey strutting toward us.

" your the tramp that stole my Ashton from me" she said getting in my face. Ashton put his arm around me and pulled to protectively to his side.

"She's not a tramp and I'm not yours I'm hers." Ashton said then turned us toward my classroom he kissed my head and whispered sorry in my hear.

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