Ch. 14- rose ptv

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A/N - I am going to apologize now this Is a really short chapter but trust me it gets better. I am having a bit of writers block so I may end this in the next 5 chapters. if that happens I  will revist it later to add to now to the book 

 This is all getting to much. the comments, the looks, the name calling. All because people think everything they read is true.

  " hey hotie, how bout we have a little fun before you get fat?" the jock winks at me as he leans on the locker next mine.

" I'd rather clean 100 horse stalls then be with you. now go away before I through up on your shoes." He gives me a look that confirms to me that he thinks he's goods gift to women which soon leaves when a book meets his face. I turn and run. 

I run out of the building and keep going. I was almost out of the parking lot when a hand grabs me from behind.

'LET GO OF ME!!!!!" I scream with tears streaming down my face. I kick and punch at who ever has a hold of me. Why wont they let me go? Don't they understand I don't want to be here anymore? I want to be far away from here. I want to run and leave everything behind. I keep struggling until very familiar arms pull me to a very firm and familiar chest.

" shh its okay baby I'm here. I'm not going anywhere." I melt into him at those words. Finally feeling safe and at home. His arms wrap around me and he carries me to his truck as I continue to sob into his chest. I don't know when we got home but when I wake Ashton still has me in his arms. We're laying on my bed, well our bed. He's practically living here now.

I can't help but smile at him. After everything that has happened he has been there for me. He is all I need. I don't care about anything else. My stalker has all but vanished, the police protection has left to but not him. He has stayed by my side at school and almost beat up every guy that try's to get at me. He protects me from myself to. Like today he is always there at my lowest points and the cause of my highest points.

" you just gonna stare at me all night?" He said opening his eyes 

"I love you." He didn't say anything just reached into his pocket. He handed me a little black jewelry box. I opened it to reveal a necklace that immediately had me crying.

" Are you sure?" I asked him 

" I want a family with you." He kissed me softly. He took the box and put it on the table. He kissed me again but this time with a purpose. This kiss led to something special.

This was the kiss that led to our baby 


"NO "  I threw my computer at the wall. Again. 

How could she?!?! 

it was supposed to be me. Had they forgotten about me? Well, I think its about time I had some fun with them. No one forgets me for long 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2017 ⏰

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