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" Haley aren't you excited? We are finally all packed in!" My best friend Sarah squealed and jumped up and down in our dorm room. Although I am standing here in my dorm room, with my crazy roommate and best friend jumping around me; the fact of me being a college student has not hit me yet.

I smiled weakly, college is nothing like high school and nothing like they make it seem in the movies, in the movies the girl knows where she has to go, has everything together and prepared. As for me, I had nothing ready and I am terrified... I don't know what I am doing. "Hales!! Smile! you look like you are ready to walk the plank!" Sarah stated standing in front of me.

"There is no one more deserving being here than you, this is where your new beginning starts, don't freak yourself out so soon. I am here with you." She whispers and hugs me. Tears prick in my eyes, this past year has not been the easiest, but I'm glad God gave me my wonderful best friend and my amazing boyfriend.

"Aww Honey! Look at our college girls! Quick grab the camera!" Sarah's mom yelled as her father took a photo of us. Sarah's mom, Bianca and her husband Robert, have taken me under their wing this past year.  Justin, Sarah's older brother walked in carrying a boxed filled with our stuff.

"Don't worry Mom, I'll make sure to keep Sarah and Hales safe. No one is coming near my two sister." Justin says placing the box down, Justin was only two years older than us attending this university. If it was boy problems or just simple homework, Justin was always here to help.

"Of course no one is coming near them, over my dead body at least." I turned and saw my beautiful boyfriend of two years, Danny standing at the door. His black hair cut short and nicely with his brown eyes and tanned skin, his beautiful looks and soul make me blessed to have him in my life.

"Hey Danny" The first words, since coming in this room, this room where I will be spending most of my new life in, where I will become a new independent person. He smiled and placed his arm around my waist, and planting a kiss on my forehead.

"Okay dears, well it looks like we have to start leaving. If we don't leave now, we might never leave at all" Bianca joked while Sarah and Justin groaned. Bianca pulled me into a deep hug. "They would all be so proud of you sweetheart, don't forget it." The lumped in my throat ached and my eyes watered as she pulled away.

After saying our goodbyes and hugging Sarah for a bit while she cried about being separated from her parents, we all sat in our room trying to organize things. Within a span of a year, I was forced to changed my life twice and make the best out of the situation. Although this change is a good one, I can never be fully happy to be starting this life.

"So babe, what are your plan for today?" Danny asked smiling at me. God his smile can make my legs turn to jelly.

"Before you two get all mushy and gross, Damon is coming to pick me up for dinner, so this room will be empty for a few." Sarah says winking in my direction, Damon has been dating my best friend for a few months, but things have gotten serious between the two. Good thing I've already had the best friend/boyfriend talk with him already. Lets just say if Sarah ever comes to me crying and heartbroken, his balls will be served on a silver platter.

"Sarah one of these days we have to double date, Damon needs to know he's in trouble with me being your best friend and all." I say smiling while leaning into Danny, his arm wrapped around my waist. For as long as I can remember Danny had always just been there, and up until two years into high school he finally grew balls to ask be out.

In a few month we should be celebrating our three year anniversary, besides my friendship with Sarah, my relationship with Danny has been the only constant thing in my life. Sarah's phone rang and she jumped up and out the door, meeting Damon out.

"Well I guess this is my cue to leave. Danny protect my sis man." Justin said while doing a manly handshake with Danny. I swear Justin acts like the toughest person in the world, but cried in 'Marley and me.'  for hours, hours after the movie. I remember we turned on the lights and Justin was cradling Sugar, our poodle in his arms and stroking her.

I stood up and jumped on my bed while Danny locked the door and came to lay next to me, although almost three years into our relationship, Danny and I haven't had taken that next step forward. It's not that I don't trust him, but I'm terrified of what can happen before, during and after. Fully thankful for him not pushing me.

His hand rubbed my back in circular movements, soothing my nerves and fears of being here. "Thank you baby." I whisper. I wasn't just thanking him for rubbing my back, but for everything he has done these past few years.

"No problem babe. If you want to talk I'm here, you know that." The lump grew again, not trusting my voice I just nodded. I closed my eyes but sleep never came, slowing my breathing down I forced myself to try and sleep.

Being in the state of almost sleeping but not fully a sleep, my sense were muffled. Danny's phone rang loudly, piercing the silence in the room. I felt him reach for his phone and stood up, leaving the bed to answer the call.


"Yea, well I'm busy at the moment."

"No, man I do wanna hang but I can't just leave her. She just fell a sleep."

"Okay, okay damn I'll be there in a few."  He snapped into the phone.

I heard his feet shuffle around the room, probably trying to pick up his belongs; Danny walked towards the bed and felt a quick peck on my head before leaving my room.

Once again, I was left engulfed in the silence...



Alright, so this is my first chapter, not too short not too long but just right. I'm going to explain who I see as what character compared to a celebrity.


Sarah in my mind is going to look like Ashley Benson. (Any PLL fans?!)

Justin to me looks like Scott Michael Foster. (Younger years, like in the TV show Greek.)

Danny as  Zayn Malik. (Too soon 1D fans?)

Haley as Odette Annable.

Now the characters that are introduced in this first chapter are all around the age of 18/19 excluding Justin who is 20 almost 21.

Alright thank you for reading!

Comment, Vote and thanks again :)!

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