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Although I tried to sleep, nothing ever happened... I was wide awake with nothing to do.  I could call Sarah but that would mean interrupting her date and I don't want to be labeled "Needy Best Friend of the year." I could go out for a walk and get to know the campus a bit, maybe make some friends.

"Yea right Hales." I answer myself but got up nonetheless. I grabbed my keys and a light cardigan and was out the door before I can think myself out of this. Out the dorm building the university was like a small city, with coffee shops and little stores littering the campus. Walking around the campus there were different people trying to get settled in and trying to look for loved ones.

The sun had just set and the only real light was from the street lamps and few lights of cigarettes could be shown. Although given the circumstance, I felt utterly safe and relaxed. I wondered a bit, having no real pressure to go anywhere, or see anything... just walking and enjoying.

I stopped outside this small tea shop, having this homey feel to it. "Are you going to just stand there and stare at the sign this whole time?" I turned my attention to this boy who had dark brown hair and tanned skinned.

"Is that a problem?" I asked raising my eyebrow, and placing my hands on my hips. The boy laughs and shakes his head before opening the door for me. "Have you been here before?" He asked waiting in line, shaking my head his smile deepened.

"You have to try their Chai Tea, possibly the best tea out there, my all time favorite." The boy gushed. "Oh my name is Calum by the way, incase you were wondering." I smiled as he extended his hand out towards me. Placing my hand into his outstretched one, "My name is Haley, I go more by Hales though." removing my hand.

"What would you like to order?" the lady behind the counter asked me, I turned to Calum and he nodded his head. "Ummm a Chai Tea." the lady nodded as I handed her a five dollar bill, hoping that would cover it. "Here you go." She smiled sweetly while, giving me my change.

"Well it was nice to meet you Calum, I'll see you around." I said raising my drink while walking out the door, he smiled while he gave the money to the lady. "Bye Hales."

I continued to walk around the campus, sipping on my delicious tea, and taking in the scenery around me.  I walked along a track when the beginning chords of 'Nothing.' by The Script played, humming along I continued to follow the music and saw someone playing the guitar while singing.

Some students gathered around listening to him play while others just walked past, he looked deeply focused on his playing and his singing. His eyes closed while he tried to get those high notes, and this vein in his throat popped out.

"Am I better off dead?

Am I better off a quitter?

They say I'm better off now than I ever was with her....

and my mates are all there trying to calm me down as I'm shouting your name all over town.

I swearing if I go there now I can changed your mine, turn it all around, and I know that I'm drunk but I say the words, and she'll listen this time even though they're slurred.

So I dialed her number and confess to her I'm still in love with her and I got nothing

I got nothing..."

The ending chords and a few people clapped as he finished and smiled and looked up at everyone. His blonde hair shined with his blueish eyes, and his lip ring shined every once in a while, he started packing up his guitar and I continued to walk around.

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