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Luke pov:
"Luke where should we eat lunch today?" I turned around and saw one of my best friends behind me. It was Casey,he always dyed his hair peculiar colors, this time, it was green and blue. He thinks it's 'punk rock', but I doubt he's ever be as punk rock as me.

"Ashton invited us to sit with him and the rest of the seniors. I think he's enjoying his job of king too much."

Casey slapped my back hard.
"Hey what was that for?!"
He glared at me,"Ashton is like a brother to us. Don't forget that, remember where you were last year?"

"Shut up, where was Ashton when the seniors last year were hurting me. Everything I have now is because of my hard work." Casey looked at me with sad eyes.

"I'm sorry Case. Let's go to Ashton. " Casey smirked at me.
"You're still too soft Lukey."
"Oh piss off Case." I shoved him, but we were still both laughing really hard. I can't ever get angry at this kid.

"Come on now. We don't want his highness to get angry." Casey and I made our way to the cafeteria.

Ashton was by himself, which was unusual. When Casey and I sat across from him, he looked up.
"Where are your friends?" Casey asked him.

"I wanted to talk to you guys about something important."
"You wanted to talk to us. What's so important that you couldn't even tell your friends." I raised my eyebrow at Ashton, trying to see if he had some sort of alternate motive.

"I hope it's good." Casey replied munching on his sandwich and looked at Ashton.

"Guys, trust me. You'll like this a lot." Ashton smiled at us.
Ashton Irwin never smiles like that, I wonder what he's up to.

Ashton leaned in(as much as he could, because there's a table between us) and whispered at us.
"A little birdie told me that there's a new student at this school." Casey dropped his sandwich.

"Casey pipe down, and yes, I think Luke would be interested." Ashton slapped Casey and glared at the people staring.

"There's nothing to see here. Move along people."

"Wait, what do you mean I'd be interested?"
Ashton leaned faced both of us again.
"As I was saying, this new person is a guy and he's nerdy."

In the past:
"Hey Luke, why don't you fight for your self?" Brad, the senior king of the year said pummeling me.

I was on the ground, everywhere hurt.
"What are you doing?" I looked up and saw Ashton standing in front of me.

"Get out of the way Ashton. If you want to be senior King next year, you would have to leave. " Ashton looked at me with pity in his eyes and walked away.

Brad looked at Ashton leaving and smirked at me.
"Nobody will help you freshie." Brad kicked me until I passed out."
"Luke... Luke." Casey shook me.
"Where... Where am I."
"You're in the nurses' office. You passed out as soon Ashton said nerdy."

"Oh yeah." I clinched my fist.
"Luke... did you have that dream again?" Michael said gently.

"I did, I couldn't get Brad out of my head."
"He's gone now Luke. It's been a year and you're a lot stronger. Everything will be okay," Casey said.
"Dude, I know I'm stronger. Stop talking to me like I'm a kid."

Casey stood up and three the blankets that were on me.
"If you can say something sassy. I think you're well enough." I got up from the bed and glared at Casey.

"Fine, let's head to class. Give me the candy bar that's in your pocket. I didn't get to finish my lunch." Casey reached in his pocket and pulled out a snickers bar.

"My candy bar."
"Stop being a wuss and hand it over." He looked at one more time and then handed it over to me.

I ripped the wrapper and devoured the candy bar in a few bites as we headed to our English class.

The bell had already rung so most people were already in class. When we walked in everyone stared at us.
"Moreta,Hemmings, why are you guys late?"

"Does it really matter?"
"Excuse me." Our teacher Mr.Hunter raised an eyebrow at me.
Casey punched me and whispered. "What are you doing? I've got a date today, I don't need a detention."

"Sorry sir, Luke passed out and I took him to the nurse's office. He missed 4th period so I went to check on him after class ended."

"Okay, Hemmings you should have said that. Well then, get in your seats. We have a new student today."

Casey and I sat in our seats that were next to each other. I looked up to see a tall boy with brunette hair. He wore square black glasses and a nervous smile. He had on a red sweater and black skinny jeans.
The only good thing about his outfit is his black jeans. What a nerd.

"Class this is Calum Hood."
Calum pushed his glasses up. "Hi"

Hey guys! I'm xxshirousagi and I'm working with Kas on this story. I hope you guys like it.💕

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