First Day

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Calum's P.O.V
"Calum wake up sweetie!" I groaned and turned over. My mom kept shaking me so I'd wake up.

"Five... more... minutes." I said sleepily.

I felt my mom bending down and she whispered in my ear. "Calum, it's your first day at this school. You don't want to miss it do you?"

I opened my eyes when I heard that.
"Mom get out of my room. I need to change."
"Okay, okay." She giggled at me.
"You really love school don't you." My mom said as she left the room.
"School is an amazing place." I said after her and shut the door.

I quickly changed into a sweater and black jeans.I grabbed my glasses and put them on then i ran downstairs and sat down at the breakfast table. My sister Mali Koa and my dad were already seated.

"Are you excited to go to your new school Cal?" My sister said to me.
"Yeah. Are you ready for college?"
"Yeah, I think so. I still have time, my classes aren't until the afternoon.

"Calum you're taking 10th grade classes this year. Are you sure you're ready?"

"Daaad. I am ready. All my 8th teachers last year said I did extremely well. I passed the test to skip a grade, didn't I." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Tell us, if it's too much."
"Dad, Cal will be fine." Mali told my dad. I smiled gratefully at her.

My mom brought French toast to the table.
"I made you favorite Cal, to celebrate skipping a grade. I'm so proud of you sweetie."                                                 "Thanks mom"I say smiling at her.I quickly eat my breakfast and grab my backpack ."Bye mom!Bye dad!Bye Mali love you guys!" I say.
"Bye sweetie have a great day at school!"my mom says.                                              "Bye lil' bro."Mali says giving me a hug."Dad,are you ready?"I ask him."Yeah come on kiddo."he says chuckling as he ruffles my hair.                                              I quickly fix it and go out the door.I get into my dad's car and turn on the radio,immediately turning up noticing it's blink 182.I sing along and hear my dad say "Calum that was amazing!"he says smiling at me.                                      "Thanks dad I say blushing.I must have zoned at for a long time because we finally got to school."Bye cal!Have a nice day!Love you."my dad says."bye dad!Thanks love you too!"I reply and get out of the car.

I took a deep breath. "I can do this." Then I walked into the school.

Inside the building there was students swarming around. The school felt a lot better, I was in middle school last year and there was only two grade levels.Middle school was uncomfortable but this school is perfect. Okay well I have to go find the office.I finally see a sign that says Office and I go inside."Hi I'm Calum Hood I'm new here."I say to the person at the desk with a smile."Okay calum here's you're schedule and locker number.If you get lost feel free to ask a teacher or a student."she says. "Okay thank you.Have a nice day!"I say."You too."She replies.I look at my schedule and see that first period is Room #119.I push my glasses up and I go up to a boy with blonde hair."Hi I'm new here do you know where room 119 is?"I say to him. "Yeah.Whats your name though new kid?"he says smiling."I'm Calum.Whats your name."I say smiling. "My name is Gerard.Here we are."He says pointing to a room."Okay thank you!"I say.Wow!He was nice I thought people would be mean to me here.                         A/n  hey guys Happy New Year!Hopefully 2016 will be a better year and hopefully no more drama.Anyways this chapter is 649 words which is disappointing but I wanted to tell you guys happy new year so yeah!:)

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