Chapter 1: Trapped

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Author's Note: Here it is, the third book in the "The Secret" series - finally! I'm so sorry for the wait, but I hope you enjoy the first chapter!! Again, I  don't own any rights to the characters created by Marvel - I only own Eldrid and a couple of others. So anyway, read, enjoy, and  please vote and comment if you like it - feedback is always appreciated!! :) Thank you!

Chapter 1: Trapped

It was cold.

I shuddered, wrapping my arms around myself tightly, and squeezing my eyes shut. The cold floor bit at my skin through the ragged prison uniform I wore. The lights were suddenly switched off, plunging the prison into blackness, save for the one white beam of moonlight shining through the small slit in the wall of my cell. Depressingly, it could hardly be classed as a window, but it was my only link to the outside world.

Absently scratching at my itchy clothes, I struggled to my feet, feeling as if the weight of the world was on my shoulders. They were keeping me helpless, powerless -weak. I knew that they’d laced my food with something, but after two weeks of uncomfortable starvation, I had to give in to my basic needs, and I’d been eating the laced food for a few weeks now.

This was my fault.

I admit it. I completely ignored Steve’s warnings.

But … that didn’t mean I regretted what I did.

It had been two years since Hela and Loki took over Earth with their army of the undead, who had marched straight into Midgard from Hela’s dangerous domain – Hel. It hadn’t taken long for them to establish control across the globe, which wasn’t surprising considering the fact that they didn’t have anyone to stand in their way.

They used fear of the unknown to take over.

Every government of each country was controlled by them now.

Officially, Loki was the overall ruler of Earth – the self-titled King of Midgard… but everyone knew that Hela had just as much power as the God of Mischief – after all, the undead army was technically Hela’s.

With Loki’s rule had come a new age, an age of freedom … from freedom.

Humans – like frightened sheep – obeyed the new rules, the new regimes that Loki brought in only a week after taking over. There was only one main rule which was regulated and reinforced fiercely throughout the world – a rule that, if broken, was punishable by imprisonment… or sometimes death.

The rule was simple: No superheroes.

If you were a superhero – or a mutant – and were discovered, you became an inmate in one of Loki’s specially built prisons. This was to ensure that no one supported – or tried to become – a hero.

The last thing Loki and Hela desired was a rebellion.

It was an easy enough rule to follow – humans with extraordinary abilities had to keep them a secret. If they didn’t, they’re sent away to superhero prison, guarded by creatures unbeknown to the average human. Frost Giants roamed the Earth freely, having come through the portal from Hel. The Giants made excellent members of Loki and Hela’s “Peace-Keeping” force, which had been established to keep a tight control of Earth, along with the humans and Asgardians that Hela had raised from the dead.

The famous superheroes had either fled, been captured, or … well, hopefully not killed.

The Avengers – once a mighty team – had been disbanded, the members having disappeared into society once more…

Just like I had – or should have.

About a month ago, I lost it. Living with Steve Rogers - aka Captain America - in a two bedroom cottage for two years with no action or real purpose in life slowly drove me insane.

The Secret Rebellion (Book 3 in The Secret Series)Where stories live. Discover now