Chapter 3: Return to Base

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Chapter 3: Return to Base

A sleek black helicopter materialised in the inky sky, making barely any noise at all. Despite the long blades revolving rapidly, the sound created was a faint humming, which defied the usual noisy and indiscrete fashion of a normal helicopter.

It landed fairly close by, and a familiar face was visible through the glass window of the cockpit. Agent Barton winked at us, a cheeky grin on his face and looking totally at ease.

Nick opened the door and hurried us inside, his eye swivelling around quickly as he watched for danger. The inside of the copter was welcomingly warm, and for that I was immensely grateful. Nick slammed the door shut as soon as we were all inside, and hurriedly sat beside Clint in the co-pilot seat. 

I settled into the relatively comfortable seat as the helicopter took off, gazing out of the window tiredly.

“Where are we going?” I asked a few minutes later, not directing the question at anyone particularly, and it was Steve who replied.

“To the Helicarrier.”

“That still exists? I thought Loki would have destroyed it by now,” I said in disbelief, and Nick chuckled derisively.

“Kid, please. S.H.I.E.L.D can remain undetected for as long as we want to be. The Helicarrier also has the ability to camouflage in the sky – no one even knows it’s there,” Nick said, sounding immensely smug.

“So where is it now then?” I enquired curiously, but remained unimpressed.

“At the moment she’s hovering a few miles away from the Scottish coastline, above the sea.”

“How long will it be until we get there?”

“I can get us there in about an hour,” Clint supplied from the front, sounding confident.

“And when we do get there, it’s time to discuss our next move,” Nick said seriously.

“I can hardly contain my excitement,” I replied sarcastically, but secretly dreaded the moment when Nick could start ordering me around again.

Nick didn’t reply, so I stared out of the window again, unable to stop a sigh from escaping.


Still dressed in my ragged prison uniform, I stumbled out of the helicopter exactly one hour later, onto the Helicarrier flight deck. The wind was blowing faintly, rustling my hair and clearing the last remaining cobwebs out of my head.

I drank in the familiar sight of the masses of jets and helicopters parked along the huge runway, with agents milling around, all with different jobs to do. Maria Hill was waiting for us, and she greeted me with a terse smile.

“Welcome back, Eldrid.”

I smiled in reply, but she’d already turned her attention to Nick.

“Sir, we’ve had some more data on Stark.”

“What have you found out? He better have a good reason for ignoring my orders,” Nick scowled, and Maria looked weary. Instantly, Nick and Maria had my undivided attention.

“He and Banner aren’t in Cumbria anymore. They’ve gone down South. Again.”

“South? Why?” Nick looked furious now, and Maria shrugged helplessly.

“I don’t know, sir. We don’t know where they’ve gone exactly, but the information we’ve collected points to London.”

Fury pinched the bridge of his nose, squeezing his eyes shut and looking murderous.

“They should have stayed in the safe-house I allocated them. London is the worst place to go to nowadays – the city is swarming with Loki and Hela’s minions and spies.”

“I know, sir.”

“Have you tried Stark’s cell?”

“Yes, sir.”


“He’s changed the number again.”

“For God’s sake! What about Banner?”

“Bruce doesn’t have a mobile phone anymore...”

Nick grumbled something under his breath before storming away from us towards the Helicarrier interior. Maria looked apologetic, but her expression clearly told me not to ask questions just yet. I forced my questions back, saving them for later.

“I’m guessing that you’ll want new clothes?” she asked me, eyeing my prison clothes sceptically, and I nodded gratefully.

“That would definitely be appreciated.”

Maria turned to Steve and Clint, who’d both joined us on the flight deck, and gave them a stern look.

“Director Fury will want to speak to you – you should head straight to the bridge.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Steve replied immediately, and Clint indiscreetly rolled his eyes behind Cap’s back, but followed him to the control room.

“How was life in prison?” Hill asked as we headed inside, giving me a slightly mocking smile and I rolled my eyes.

“Awful. Remind me to never get caught again.”

 She chuckled softly. “Nick was absolutely livid when he found out you know.”

“I bet he was.” I sighed.

“Rogers was trying to find out where the prison was by himself, but Nick finally decided to bring him back here so they could both go and fetch you. S.H.I.E.L.D knows where all of Loki’s special prisons are in the world – we’ve managed to do a lot in these last two years.”

“You said that Steve was trying to find the prison I was taken too – how do you know that? Have you been tracking him?” I asked suspiciously, and Hill shrugged.

“S.H.I.E.L.D has been keeping tabs on all the Avengers – including you - ever since you all reached your safe-houses. Nick wanted to make sure he could get in touch immediately when the time was right, which is why he was so annoyed when you ended up in prison. It means that his plan to wait a few more months before he brought you all back is now ruined.”

“He was going to bring us all back?”

Maria slowed, and her head cocked to the side slightly.

“He hasn’t told you his plan yet?”


“Well that’s probably what he’s going to do now then. I’d suggest changing your clothes and then heading straight to the bridge. He’ll be there.”

She stopped outside of my old room, and I smiled at the sense of déjà vu. I loved how I always seemed to get the same room every time I came on the Helicarrier.

“Don’t keep Director Fury waiting – he’s angry enough at the moment as it is,” Maria warned, before leaving me alone.

I entered my room, shutting the door immediately before collapsing on the bed. The comfortable sheets beckoned, and I failed to resist. Glancing at the clock on the side table, I decided that it was perfectly acceptable to fall asleep at three o’ clock in the morning. Nick could hardly blame me for being tired – I hadn’t slept properly for a month. It was about time that I had a good night’s sleep.

I tore myself away from the bed just long enough to lock the door, before crawling under the covers, disregarding the prison clothes. Feeling content, I fell asleep the moment my head hit the pillow.

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