Chapter 19: Home Again

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Chapter 19: Home Again

The sky above was a whirlpool of dark colours, scattered with silvery stars. Magnetic blues, deep purples and pale reds merged into one, like a single stroke of paint.  The rainbow bridge beneath our feet hummed with life, urging us to move towards the golden city at the other end. A small, reluctant smile crept onto my face at seeing this familiar scene.

"Greetings, Princess," a low voice sounded behind us.

Tony turned in alarm, but Heimdall's presence was no surprise to me. He stood in the centre of the Bifrost room, hands gripping his great golden claymore.

"Hello, Heimdall. I assume you knew we'd be coming?" I asked pleasantly, feeling glad to see his familiar face.

He bowed his head slowly, his all-seeing golden eyes surveying us. "Indeed I did."

"Have you missed me?"

A tiny smile broke his ancient, distant expression for a fleeting moment. "I have. As has most of the kingdom."

"That's good to know. I was worried that I might get mobbed in the streets by angry enemies of Loki." I shuddered.

Heimdall said nothing, before glancing over at Tony, who seemed very out of place in his full Iron Man suit. 

"Bringing a mortal here is unwise," he stated bluntly.

Before I could reply, Tony spoke, holding out his hand in greeting.

"Tony -" he began to introduce himself, but was cut off.

"Stark. Yes, I know who you are," Heimdall said coolly.

Tony seemed momentarily put off, before shrugging. "Nice to know that my fame isn't just earthbound."

I rolled my eyes, and then glanced at Heimdall with a fixed expression.

"Bringing Tony here was my choice alone. If anyone has a problem, they can take it up with me."

Heimdall nodded again, before his eyes drifted up to the sky, fixing on something behind me.

"The King is here."

I spun around to see Thor flying above, hammer in his hand. He landed heavily before us.

Thor was dressed in his full, royal attire - helmet and all - but his pleasant expression contradicted the formal outfit. His greyish blue eyes were alight, and he held his arms open for me.

"Eldrid." He smiled, and I hugged him tightly.

When he released me, I punched his arm - hard. He winced.

"That wasn’t entirely unexpected," he murmured, and I scowled.

"Why in Odin's name did you leave me in Midgard?! You’d better have a good excuse, Thor, or I'll-" I began heatedly, disregarding Tony's comforting, yet restraining, hand on my arm.

Thor interrupted, apologetic. "It was not my wish to leave you. My father thought it best."

"He thought it best to forsake me in a world controlled by Loki and Hela? Thank you, grandfather, for that brilliant idea - I appreciate abandonment!" I stated this last sarcastic statement to the air, hoping that Odin would hear.

Thor looked lost. "Eldrid -"

"Thor, I came to bring you back," I said bluntly, figuring that I might as well let him know why I was here.

He was silent for a moment, before gesturing to the city.

"Walk with me, and I'll explain Asgard’s situation."

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