Road Of Fire

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Once on a very beautiful night, while the breeze blew and the band played, I walked the road of fire. It was not engulfed in fire, but lit by it and the blaze gave the night sky a beautifully eerie orange glow, much like the glow of the northern lights- if they were orange.
As I walked in a group with a few of my friends, I could not help but think of her and how much she would love this. Of how fun it would be to walk side by side-with fire in our hands-talking about trivial things and joking about everything we see.

So when I got home, I told her about the fiery road and how lovely it would be. I pleaded and begged her to come with me. I made sure I went with her to all her events and accompanied her to all her boring meetings until she agreed. I just wanted her to come with me.

Next year came and my friends invited me to go with them, but I turned them down because of her. I wanted to walk the fiery path with her. The day finally arrived but she had to go to work and she promised that she would before six so we would not miss the procession. She was always working you know, leaving little time for us to bond. But today all that would change when we walked along the road of fire.

At four o'clock I was still waiting, but I was not worried because she said she would come. We had planned for a year, surely she would not hurt me like this? I was not worried at all- or so I thought, because even as I thought that I began to draw. I often draw to hide my anxiety. But she would come, she had to come.

When it was five, I took my bath and got dressed. I would get ready so when she came we would not waste any more time at home. My friends were still texting me, asking me to come, but I could not leave her. I promised her I would wait and so I continued to draw.

It was nine and she hadn't come home-or called. The procession was way over and I had changed out of my outing clothes. I was hurting deep inside so I still continued to draw. Because if I stopped.... I just didn't want to stop.

She came at ten, looking tired and worn. Said she stayed to volunteer at work. Said she knew I wouldn't mind. And even though I did mind-so much that my throat closed and my heart bled- I composed myself, shrugged and said, "It would have been boring anyway. Who wants to watch a big fire?"

I did. I wanted to watch the big fire.

Poems and Vignettes(Featuring Daenerys Targaryen's 'If I Look Back I Am Lost')Where stories live. Discover now