19 - I'm not safe

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"You let her get away?" Damien Darhk shouted to his men.
"It didn't go as planned. Sherlock and another man stopped us," Jake told his boss.
"Didn't go as planned?" he screamed.

"You better go back and bring the girl to me, otherwise I won't have use for you any longer, and you know what that means," he warned them.


"There's only a matter of time before they come back," Sherrinford said. You sat in Sherlock's chair, Sherlock standing behind you with his hands on the backrest.

"You think they'll try to come for me again?" you asked them.
"Perhaps," Sherrinford said and Sherlock lowered his head. "They'll come for you as well, and that soon."

"I know," Sherlock said and sighed.
"We can't hide from them and we can't find Damien," Sherrinford said.
"You managed to find Jake Tylor. Can't you do that again?" you asked him.
"I'm afraid that was only one time of luck," he said.

Sherlock walked over to his brother. "Can I talk to you for a moment?" he asked and disappeared into the hall. Sherrinford looked at you before he followed.

"What are you up to?" he asked Sherlock with a low voice.
"I want you to take Y/N with you and stay somewhere where they can't find you," Sherlock said.
"So that they can come and get you? That's your brilliant plan?"
"You've got a better one?" Sherlock asked.
"Look, they want me. And they won't stop until they do. I'll let them take me. You and Mycroft send out some men after us to find out where they take me," he explained.


"Y/N, would you come with me?" Sherrinford asked as he and Sherlock came back after their chat.
"Where?" you asked and looked curious at them, wondering what they were up to.
"I have to go and see Mycroft. Sherrinford will look after you while I'm away," Sherlock explained.

You got up from the chair. "Fine, but call me," you said to Sherlock. He nodded, "I will," he said and gave you a kiss.

"Let's go then," Sherrinford said as Sherlock broke the kiss. You and his brother went outside and into a car and drove away. Sherlock stood by the window with a cheerless expression on his face.


"I hope you're feeling up to having dinner with me tonight," Sherrinford said as you entered a building. Possibly his hiding place.
"What else is there to do?" you asked a bit teasing.
"The food will be ready at 7pm. Here's a guestroom for you. It's not much, but I hope you'll be comfortable," he said.

"I'm an ordinary girl, not a princess," you joked and he chuckled. He opened the door and you walked inside.
"There's a bathroom behind that door," he said and pointed left. "I'll be in the living room if you need anything."
"Thank you," you said and he left. The clock showed 6pm so you decided to take a shower and get ready for the dinner.


When you came out of the bathroom after your shower, you saw a dress lying on the bed. You picked it up and looked at it.
"So now you decide what I'm wearing?" you asked into the air and smiled a bit. The dress was red and reached you just over your knees. It had simple strops that went over your shoulders.

You put the dress on and used the hairdryer to dry your hair. When your hair was dry, you put it up in a ponytail.

"Ah, you put on the dress. You look lovely," Sherrinford said as you met him with the dinner table.
"Thank you," you said. He made a gesture at the chair beside you and told you to sit, and you did.

"So, are you gonna tell me what your brother is up to?" you asked him as you both were eating.
"He told you. He's with Mycroft," Sherrinford said while putting a piece of meat in his mouth.

"But there's more to it. I have known Sherlock for some years and I know when he's hiding something," you told him.
"He came up with a plan, and needed to talk with Mycroft about it."
"But he can't tell me, is that it?" you asked and started to get frustrated.

"He only wants you to be safe and unharmed," he told you.
You laughed and put down the cutlery on the table.
"Y/N, please," Sherrinford begged.
"I'm going to my room. Thank you for the dinner," you said and left.


You entered the room Sherrinford had given to you and went into the bathroom. You felt tired and wanted to get some sleep. Therefore, you washed yourself and got back in the bedroom to take off your dress.

Suddenly a hand came behind you. It held a kerchief and the person placed it over your mouth. First, you fought against it, but then you started to feel dizzy. Your eyes shut and you lost control of your body and fell into a pair of arms. 

All that they left behind was the white queen. 

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