Percy Jackson X Reader

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Hey Guys,

this is my very first Character x Reader and I really hope you guys enjoy it cos I've been wanting to write one for a really long time. Jordan is my country, so its really the best I can do for a setting right now, and as you may have noticed, these aren't one-shots.

I'm not gonna use Y/N or H/C or whatever cos I really feel like they ruin the story, instead IMMA CHOOSE YO NAME AND YO PERSONALITY... jk jk

Hope you guys don't mind srsly but here we go...

your name: Olive Rivers

Hair/ Features: Whatever the length you like, the color is gonna be a golden-brown that reflects the sunlight. You'll also have leaf-green eyes. (don't mind the gif, it has nothing to do with the story I just really like mikasa)

Personality: Your personality obviously  


future edit:

it would really mean the world to me if you could check out my new story "Devil's Tribute" before proceeding. its a project that's been in the works for quite some time and i'd greatly appreciate any feedback!! its just one chapter, easy to get through, pls.. (also has better quality writing).

have fun!

have fun!

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Her Happiness is Your Will - Percy Jackson X OCWhere stories live. Discover now