C H A P T E R 5

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No no no no!!!" i woke up shouting, screaming and shaking. 

I looked around searching for the symbol I had seen in my dreams. I was not surprised to see that there was nothing near me. I have had this dream since i was really young. 

In every dream I would see the same big wolf. It had grey colored eyes. They were beautiful. I know I should be more scared of it but it makes me feel safe and secure. There's no way i would get scared of it. It would keep on staring at me but when ever i try to go near it, it would disappear. After it leaves, I keep on seeing fog all around me. I start feeling scared and as if i am being watched. I start screaming and soon see the symbol. It is a star, inside a circle. The star is up side down. As soon  i see the symbol i start feeling suffocated, making me to shout the word "no" again and again. If I am lucky enough I wake up before i pass out.

As I kept on feeling breathless I knew the anxiety attack was starting. I tried to follow the routine I used to do as always.

Slowly breath in breath out.
I kept on telling myself.
After struggling for 5 minutes, thankfully it subsided.

Finally I looked around the unfamiliar room around me. It took me a while to wrap my head around everything and I remembered about yesterday's events.

I checked the time it was 4 am and still had time for the morning prayer. I went searching for a bathroom and found one at the other end of the hall way. I made my wudu I went back to my room  quietly. It seems like no one was awake yet.

After the prayer I started to search for the kitchen as my stomach kept on making weird noises.
The kitchen was at the first floor.

I found I a few women preparing ingredients. It must have been for breakfast. Only one of them was dressed in good looking clothes. "She must be the head chef", I thought to myself. All the others seemed to be wearing second hand clothes.

As soon as I went in, she came to me asking my name. As soon as I said Zoya she got this look on her face, as if I had just threatened to kill her.

She motioned a girl to come and told her to show me what I have to do.

The girl took me with her told me cut up a few ingredients.

Everyone around the kitchen kept on taking secret glances at me. As if I was some alien species.

"I am Avalyn, but you can call me Av. From now on you will working with us. If you don't mind me asking how much do you know about this pack?" She asked.

"I don't know anything about this pack or any other pack or how this werewolf thing even worked. I grew up not knowing what I am."

She looked at bewildered.

"You don't know anything? If if your mother is human isn't your dad an Alpha" She now seemed confused.

"Yes he is it seems but yesterday was the first time I even saw him." I said quietly.

"Don't i will fill you in what you need to know." She gave an encouraging smile.

"So first of all warewolf as you call live in packs. Each has an Alpha who is like a leader. Alpha is the strongest among all the lack members and it's something you get only genetically. The second in command is the Beta and he/she is the working under the Alpha managing everything. Under Beta there are a few selected individuals who help manage daily tasks such as cooking and training. The one you saw earlier was one of them. Her name is Ella and she is the one in charge of cooking.

Then there are the healers who are like doctors and the elders who are oldest pack member and then normal pack members who contribute to the pack by working in different places. Also the protectors who help keep the pack safe.

The lowest rank is the Omega. Which is us. We do the house works, cleaning and cooking. We are like the maids."

"But aren't I his daughter? I mean the Alpha's. So why am I here?" I asked confused.

"How much do you know about how you came to be?" She asked.

"I don't know a thing about that."

"Maybe you should wait for the Alpha to tell you. I only hear about are rumours so I don't know the actual truth. All I can tell you is that the Alpha and his family don't want their name to be joined to yours and they have announced you to be of the lowest rank. So even though Alpha blood runs in you they will treat you as an Omega.
Finish up this work and you can eat after the other pack members finish eating." She gave a sympathetic smile and stood up to head to the other side of the room.

That was the last time anyone talked to me. All the others just pretended as if I didn't exist. The only time they talked is to tell me to do some work or eat.

By the time I was done for the day I was exhausted beyond my capacity.
As soon as I layed down I fell in to deep slumber.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2019 ⏰

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