C H A P T E R 3

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“Producers are green plants which photosynthesis and use sunlight, carbon dioxide and water to produce their---“and so the teacher went on. At the moment I’m in my biology class, bored like hell. No offence to the teacher but still he makes the whole class, boring like hell. His subject is the only subject I hate this much. Also he is the only teacher I despise this much. I mean he always grumpy and just too strict. I would rather be in P.E class even though I’m the worst athlete in this whole school. It also have been a week since I shifted. But, now also mom refuses to answer my questions. I have been distracted the whole week. Also I had heard mom and dad talking about calling a school out of the country. God only knows what they are up to.

I had almost dozed off to sleep when Alia, who was sitting next to me poked me on my arm and called. I was about to snap at her when the teacher called me.

“I have been calling your name for the past 5min. But, it seems you are too busy sleeping in the class, that Alia had to use physical contact to get you to wake up.”

“I’m sorry sir.” I gave a short answer. I honestly wasn’t in the mood to explain anything to him. I mean after all the things which has been happening since last year is really making me tired and worn out. I was hoping that he wouldn’t ask me anymore questions, but, obviously he had other ideas.

“Just saying sorry doesn’t reason your behavior. This kind of inappropriate behavior won’t be accepted  in my class, in this school. Now would be kind enough to explain why you were sleeping in my class?”

Really can’t he just leave the topic already. I was so annoyed at him. First thing his teaching is crappy and he acts as if the students are dirt. I’m sure at he is dragging this topic due to his dislike towards me. I mean his subject is the only subject I don’t get an A grade from. All the others I get A stars. Still he should be grateful that I behave in his class even though it’s the worst class.

“Sorry sir, this won’t ever happen again. I have been stressed lately. So I haven’t been able to get enough sleep. And I always behave in your classes sir, so that must count on something right?”

“Fine this time I will let you go off with a warning. But, remember next time it won’t be taken lightly. So be careful.”

“Thank you sir”, I said, with a fake smile on my face, which I have gotten used to since last year.

The rest of the classes went fairly well, I guess. After all the classes were over I was about to leave without letting anyone know, when, Kailaan called my name. I stopped abruptly. I had been avoiding him since my shift.

You haven’t met him yet. So let me tell you who he is. I call him Kail. He is my one and only guy best friend. I know him like the back of my hand. And vice versa. Literally we both have known each other since birth. Our parents are really good friends so whenever they had a get together they would keep both of us together and would tell us to play.

When he was small, he wasn’t among the popular people. But, when he joined football team and school dance crew at grade 4 he became the most wanted guy among the girls and the most admired one among the guys. Even though I wasn’t a part of the popular group he never left me alone. He has always been there for me. I guess that’s the reason why most of the girls throw me the “go-die-you-bitch” looks. Now at the age of 16 he has a well-built body and a bright future ahead. I won’t lie by saying I never found him attractive. I mean at first I had a small little crush on him. And we even tried dating. He himself had asked me out. But, it just didn’t work. So we settled down for best friends. At first I thought it was going to be quite awkward. I mean after all we did date for almost 6 months. But, thanks to god Kail never let it go that way. Now we are like siblings. He always has my back and I have his.

Back to the present. I wished I could disappear from there. I mean I was now a monster, right? How can I tell him that? I don’t think even though he has been with me and helped during the bullies,  ant my self-harm and how my parents were treating me since last year I don’t think he would even talk to me if I tell him about the ware-wolf thing.

Yeah I know I could just pretend as if nothing happened. I could have done that if this was someone else other than him. He just knows me too well. But, now turning if I leave without answering I’m sure next time he will ask more questions.

So I turned to the direction of his voice.

“Yes? Kail? What’s up?”

“It’s you who is up.” He said in an disappointed way.

“Huh? What do you mean?” I asked as if I had done nothing.

“Really now are you going to keep on pretending as if u haven’t been avoiding me the whole week? I called you more than a hundred times. I even went to your house more than twenty times, but, each time your mom says you aren’t there or you are sleeping. Really? Now all of those times can’t be coincidences right?” I didn’t say a thing in my defense. Was there a thing I could possibly say? He let out a long breath and asked. “Zu, really what’s wrong? Did your mom say something to you?” Again I didn’t answer. “Damn Zu, silence isn’t an answer okay. I have been worried about you the whole week. I haven’t been able to concentrates on anything and now when finally when I’m able to get to see you, you aren’t answering me?” his voice was getting higher and higher as seconds ticked on by. And people were slowly starting to give us more attention than necessary. So I finally spoke up.

“Kail not here please?” I said in pleading voice looking around to see all the eyes on us. He checked the surrounding and after 2 long minutes he said in a serious voice, “fine, I will let you go this time. But, I want to meet you up tomorrow. You can’t escape it, cause tomorrow is a holiday and as much as I know you don’t have any tuition classes tomorrow. So be ready in the morning by 6. We will be going for jogging. And sleep early tonight I don’t want you telling me that you couldn’t wake up that early.”

I nodded as I didn’t want to make a scene inside the school. I said my goodbye to him and hurried to home. That night I couldn’t even eat I was too worried about the next days meeting with Kailaan.

As I began drifting to sleep I thought how I was going to explain to him about something even I have no idea about yet. 

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