The Story of the Hanging Man

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Four's POV

Zeke, Shauna, Lauren and I walk down to the Pit enjoying another end of a very long week. Today we concluded the second week of fear simulations and I have to say it was exhausting. I know I have to talk to Tris and tell her that I know of her divergence but every time I try to bring it up she gets defensive. I guess I understand that. She doesn't really know me and she doesn't know that she can trust me that I'll keep her secret safe. She doesn't know we are the same.

As we walk closer to a small group of people I can hear Uriah, Zeke's younger brother and one of this year's initiates talk to someone. I'm pleasantly surprised to see that it is Tris. She hasn't noticed me and I decide to stand in the back and not disturb them. I think Uriah likes her and I can't blame him. She is beautiful, smart, brave – she is just perfect. Ugh, I'm all mushy. I need to get my head out of the gutter.

"Come on Tris, it's your turn" Uriah says.

"I don't know" she says, scrunching her cute little nose.

"Come on. I'm sure even you Stiffs have scary stories" Christina says. Scary stories? What's this all about?

"What's going on with the kids?" Lauren asks Tori, who I only now realize is here too.

"Oh, hey guys" Tori greets as she sees us. "The initiates started telling each other ghost stories. They are all nervous about initiation and Uriah thought of having an early Halloween with everyone in case, you know" she says and we all nod. Ever since last year initiates are getting cut, mostly because they can't get fit in time or are not yet ready to face their fears. I think it's cruel and unjust, but I can't change it.

"Come on, Tris, we all said a story" Will says encouragingly.

"She probably doesn't know any, being the Stiff that she is" Peter spits. I could beat that dude senseless. Tris is twice as brave and smart as he is and yet he thinks he's somehow mankind's response to all our problems.

"Shut up, bonehead" Lynn says. "Like your fucking story was so great."

"Bitch" he says and stomps off. Good riddance.

"Come on, Tris. At least give it a try" Marlene says.

"Okay" Tris finally agrees. Everyone looks for a place to sit and once everyone actually sits down Tris starts talking again. "This is a story from long ago. It is a true story and the patriarchs tried to cover it up because it's so gruesome. You know my father is on the council" she says and a few nod. I know he is. Andrew Prior. He works with my father and I think they are even friends. "While some of you think I left because of the food" she says pointedly at Christina and I remember their first supper in the cafeteria when Christina joked that it was no wonder Tris left and I chuckle. "I always knew that I didn't fit in. When I was little I overheard a conversation between my father and a few councilmen. They talked about the Hanging Man" she says. I heard rumors about this supposed Hanging Man and even the Dauntless heard of him. But no one really knows the story. Maybe Tris knows something no one else knows. "I didn't get much from what they talked, but I knew where to look for answers. So one night I sneaked out of my house and broke into the Abnegation HQ archives" she says and a round of "oh-s" and "aw-s" were heard. I have to admit, never in a million years would it have crossed my mind to do that. Alone with that she captured everyone's attention. "It took me several nights until I found what I was looking for."

"What did you find?" Uriah asks curious.

"The story of the Hanging Man. I heard all kinds of whispered rumors, but never knew what they meant. Until that day. It was two years ago, before Halloween. We never celebrated it in Abnegation, but one hears stories" she says with a crooked smile, that I find extremely sexy on her.

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