The Hokage

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I sighed in relief as I exited the hot springs, wrapping a towel around myself. I finally felt clean, really truly clean, for the first time in months. I caught my reflection in the water as I was drying off and almost gasped. Seeing myself naked made me realize exactly how malnourished I was. I guess while I was being held captive I wasn't as worried as I should have been about the limited diet the Tsuchikage allowed me to eat. It was as if they wanted me to lose my strength so I couldn't escape.

Guess they underestimated me.

"Come on, Asuna. We've already been gone too long," Ino said, shaking me from my thoughts.

"Okay!" I replied, putting the last of my clothes back on. Choji and Shikamaru were covering for both us since their team was supposed to be on patrol. Ino felt she should take some time out of their morning to make sure I got a decent bath, especially since there was no running water back in the village and I apparently 'smelled like burnt sweat socks' as she so kindly put it.

Last night after I arrived at the Hidden Leaf Village, or what was left of it, Ino and her team filled me in on what happened. Unbeknownst to anyone, the village was suddenly attacked a few weeks ago by the Akatsuki. Apparently it was their leader, a guy named Pain who claimed to be a God. He had the Rinnegan, a legendary visual jutsu that can be traced all the way back to the Sage of the Six Paths, and he used it to control six dead bodies who did his bidding from a far. He destroyed most of the village, before using an incredible jutsu that demolished everything in its wake. 

Shikamaru said that the villagers and shinobi who are alive right now, owe it all to Lady Tsunade and Naruto. Lady fifth protected as many people as she could before falling unconscious, and Naruto saved everyone else. He confronted the original Pain himself and convinced him to bring everyone back to life, which I didn't even know was humanly possible.

After they told me everything they knew, I shared with them what I had lived through for the passed seven months. It took the last of my strength to get the words out, but I told them everything. No one really knew how to react when I mentioned the destruction of my clan. Ino consoled me and did her best to assure me that there was no way that Lady Tsunade would allow the Hidden Stone to take me back. Honestly, it was nice to hear such kind words after so long. 

Now, I felt clean, fully rested (Ino allowed me to stay with her family in their shelter for the night), and ready to help with the Konoha recovery. But first, I needed to pay the Hokage a visit.

As Ino and I emerged from the brush still ringing out our hair, Choji spotted us and waved.

"It's about time you girls got here," Shikamaru sighed, staring up at the sky. Choji stood next to him, stuffing his face with chips.

Where did Choji find a bag of chips with the village as wrecked as it is?

"Yeah, just in time for us to continue our patrol." Ino said with a giant smile, seeming proud of herself that we didn't take as long as she thought. I ran my fingers through my semi-wet hair one more time before clearing my throat, causing the three of them to look at me.

"Uh, can one of you guys point me in the direction of the Hokage's tent?" I asked, scratching the back of my head nervously. "I know she's probably not at her best yet, but my information can't wait. She has to know about the Tsuchikage."

Shikamaru seemed to ponder my words for a moment and then nodded, "Alright, I see your point. I can point you in the right direction."

"Wait. Do you think its such a good idea for her to go see the Hokage right now? I mean, isn't she still recovering?" Choji asked with a mouthful of chips.

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