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Gloves peered down the canyon.

Steep, deadly - could it possibly kill her?

Or would it just end up like that time again?


They stopped beating Gloves up momentarily to catch their breathes.

Her eyes flashed open.

"You wanted my gloves, right?" She said in a low voice.

Blink smirked. "If you only saw reason earlier..."

"So come get it." Gloves cut her off.

Slowly, she peeled off the rubber gloves that were stained with blood and dirt.

She held them in one hand, and taunted Blink with the other.

Blink leapt forwards, and grabbed the gloves.

And in that second, Gloves' other hand closed down on the trap.

An arc of lighting clear as day jumped from her hand, and Blink fell dead.

For the first time, a thunderous roar was heard.

Electricity surrounded Gloves. She sneered at the other prisoners, lost in the heat of battle.

"Anyone else?"

They all ran - but the incident was reported.

Gloves was deported to the maximum security prison - earning the name 0910

Gloves ||COMPLETED||Where stories live. Discover now