Chapter 2

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I spent the beginning five years of my life with my father, my mother having passed away after my birth. I wasn't a very talkative child, given that I rarely spent any time with children my own age. I didn't like to talk to my father. He always grew upset with me for the littles things.

His most common argument against me was the death of my mother. Even though I was too young when she died to remember her, I cherished a picture of her holding me. My father always reminded me how it was my fault she died. I never did understand how it could be the fault of a newborn, but perhaps she was sick when she had me, and her straining to give birth to me was what caused her death.

I didn't speak to my father often, which made him upset. I began not to care what he wanted and cared for myself, stealing food and money occasionally when he would punish me for no reason.

I was caught many times, but I eventually improved my skills and managed to get away with most of my attempts.

He sold me away at the age of five to a man who introduced himself as Jolennto. He was much like my father, upset by my silent nature. I honed my thievery within his home since his punishments were more frequent. I was one of his many housemaids, though being the youngest, I was the most used. In many ways.

"Chelsie!!! Master wants to see you!"

I moved off the floor quickly, placing the rag inside the bucket of water set nearby. Janice, the maid that had called me, led me to his office since I often got lost in the long halls. I stepped into my master's office and closed the door, walking up to his desk and moving to my knees. It was the only thing I hated doing for him, bowing and showing submission. I only complied because I knew he was stronger than me at the the time.

"You have stolen from me again, child." I waited patiently for my turn to speak. "Care to defend yourself?"

"I have not stolen from you, Master."

"Then why is my bank account negative four-hundred dollars?"

"I am not sure, Sir. I have not left the estate, and I have no access to the Internet." I knew he would blame me; it was always the newbie's fault. What about the more trusted servants who actually handle his money? No, that's just way too predictable. "Would you like me to look into it?"

"No. I want you to repay me my money, or you will be removed from this household for your crimes."

"I have nothing to pay you with, Master."

Jolennto stood up and grabbed me by the arm, to which I flinched lightly. I didn't want to deal with one of hit rage trips, so I complied with his movement and followed him out of the house. He made me sit in the front beside him, something we usually didn't do.

As we were riding along, I noticed him heading into a darker part of town. I didn't know the streets that well anymore since I was never allowed out, but by the kind of people lining the alleys, I knew there couldn't be anything good going on. "Master, may I ask where we are going?"

"I said you would be removed from my household. This is where people like you belong." With that, he leaned over, opened my door, and shoved me out of the car.

I hit the street, strangling a cry of pain as my arm was suddenly shredded mercilessly by the uneven asphalt beneath me. He drove off before I could even make a move to get up. I whimpered as I sat up, cradling my arm as best I could before moving away from the road. I stumbled to my feet, only to see a group of guys stalking towards me. One of them grabbed my injured arm when I tried to run.

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