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The days passed by quickly, full of packing, planning, and for me, cutting. It wasn't that bad, coming to the end of the school year. And people who didn't even know my name in Florida couldn't bully me. Before I knew it, it was the last day of school. I actually entered the building with a smile for once. Of course, that was quickly rectified.

"What are you smiling about?"

"Why are you even here?"

"Awe, you didn't die yesterday. Too bad."

"It'll happen eventually."


Luckily, the bell rang then, ceasing the verbal abuse. Although, as they went to class, at least 3/4 of them roughly bumped my shoulder. I slowly eased into my seat at the front of the class, seconds before the late bell. Mr. Normand, my homeroom teacher, glared at me over his attendance sheet. I sank lower in my chair, attempting to hide from the world.

"All right, class. Settle down." No one listened, but he kept talking anyway. "I'll call your names in alphabetical order to come get your yearbooks, then you have the rest of the day to get signatures. Be sure to wish our graduating seniors good luck." He then proceeded to call everyone in class except me to get their yearbooks. Why would I want to remember this year, anyway? "Have a good summer." He continued in his monotonous voice.

The bell rang and I ran to the bathroom. Haha, so cliché, I thought as I pulled a turkey sandwich and an apple out of my bag and started eating. Since it was a half day today, I was thinking of skipping altogether. No one would notice. I'd just drive to the library, find some good books, and stay there for a few hours. After my food, I had a can of coke. I was about to leave when someone entered the bathroom. Well, more than one someone. Ashley and Lily, my main tormentors. Great.

"Ah, the last day of school." Lily, the sidekick, sighed. "Where are you going this summer?"

"Oh, you know." Ashley replied. I could see her waving the question off as she re-glossed her pouty lips. "Paris, London, Prague. Daddy bought a European cruise line, so I get to go everywhere. Where are you going?"

"My daddy is letting me use the family jet to fly to Germany and Scotland." Lily fluffed her hair.

"Ooh, nice." When they finished pampering themselves, they finally left. At least I wouldn't run into them in Orlando.

I washed my hands of the school bathroom germs and quietly slipped into the hallway unnoticed. I checked the time. 9:56. Perfect. Mom and Mark were at work, and I had plenty of time before I had to pick up Lia from school. I quickly hopped into my car and drove home to an empty house. I grabbed the Oreos and the remote and settled in on the couch. Pretty Little Liars reruns. Since I'd already read the books, I found watching the show pretty pointless. Click. I channel surfed, mindlessly eating Oreos until noon.

I got up, threw away the empty container, turned off the TV, and went to get Lia. I heard her before I saw her. "And I'm gonna meet Micky and Minnie and Donald and Daisy and Goofy!" She exclaimed loudly to her friends.

"Come on, Lia. We've gotta go finish packing." I prodded from the line of waiting cars.

"Right!" She hugged the three girls she had been talking to. "Bye! I'll miss you!"

"Bye!" They waved after her.

She hopped in the back seat. "What time are we leaving tomorrow?" Lia asked for the tenth time today.

I sighed. "The plane leaves at 9:00 in the morning, so be sure to get enough sleep."

"Okay! I can't wait! I'm so excited!" She bounced up and down in the seat.

Me too, sis. Me too.

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