Chapter 2: Roses

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(Author's note: I am skipping the day when they are in school and on to the host club activities)

This school day went on forever. I just want school to be over with already. I was now walking around with Ayame, holding hands. We tried to find a quiet place to study in, but every library was soo loud. I wonder what room the host club was in. Wait! Don't think about them! They are really obnoxious!

"Hiroko," Ayame looked straight into my eyes, "Why don't we go visit the host club! They are really interesting! Maybe we can request the twins for the day!"

"I don't know, Ayame," I sighed, "I think they are really obnoxious and I really need to study. If you want to go that is fine by me, but I need a quiet place to study. Just keep in contact with me. I don't want anything bad happening to you again....."

"Ok I will! Please don't worry about me too much! They are really nice people! If you hung out with them at all when we saw them over the summer, you would think they are nice people too. Could you possibly come with me for a few minutes then you can study, PLEASE!!!!!"

"I don't know." I look back at Ayame and she was giving me her puppy eyes. "OK! FINE! I will come over only to see that you go there then I will leave! Why do you always have to give me those eyes?!"

Ayame squealed with delight and dragged me down the hallway to the Music Room #3. I should have never agreed to this...... She opened the door and rose petals flew at us!

"AHHHHHHHHH ROSES!!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs. I fall back trying to get the rose petals off of me. Sai and Kyo rush to my side to see if I was alright. I am allergic to roses.

"I got off all the rose petals, Hiroko!" Sai calmly said as he picked me up. "Let me see if you have any reaction to them." He put me on the couch and started to look me over. I was just shaking everywhere. "You seem to be fine. I didn't think you would come today since you don't like the host club that much. We will have to be more careful with the petals." Sai said that as he looked over at the rest of the boys that were all gathered around me. I didn't even notice them before.

I quickly got up and ran off out of the room and out to the courtyard. I completely embarrassed myself like that. No one is allergic to roses like I am. I can't touch them even though I can smell them and admire them. I just want to feel the texture of one rose without it almost killing me. I sat down next to a small pond and just looked into te water at myself. Is this what I look like to people? Do they see me differently than what I see myself?

With a sigh, I got up and looked down at what I am wearing. My mom convinced the principal to allow my brothers, sisters and I to wear whatever we want as long at it is a formal wear. I am wearing a long black dress that almost matches the school uniforn while my sister wears the uniform. I don't do well with bright colors. Sigh.

I walk over to a patch of rose bushes and just inhale the nice aroma. I wish I can just reach down and just touch one of them. They are so beautiful, but I can't enjoy them like everyone else. All girls get roses from everyone and I get nothing since guys think I am allergic to all flowers since I am allergic to roses. I shake off that thought and walk around for a little bit and how out my lighter. I guess my old habit is going to come back.

Ayame's POV:

"Why did she run away, Sai-chan?" Honey asked.

"She gets embarrassed easily," Sai explained, "Especially after she found out years ago she was allergic to roses. Usually, girls love recieving a nice rose from a boy and they can glady accept it, but Hiroko, she was only able to accept one rose from someone and that almost killed her. She can smell them, but for some reason she can't touch them."

"We don't know if is temporary or not," Ayame continued, "She used to love getting roses from our garden when we were little and give them to me. They didn't effect her then so we don't know why they effect her now. I don't know for sure if someone traumatized her, back in America, with a rose and she couldn't touch them because her body would react to it, but she won't tell me. Even though we are twins and know everything about each other, she won't tell be that one reason because of everything that has happened in our life. She doesn't want me to worry about her even more than I already do." Tear just start to stream down my face, "Now she thinks that we are moving apart from each other since I am friends with all you guys. She thinks I would forget about her....." I can't say anymore.

"So you are saying....." Kaoru started

".....that she hates us because she thinks that we are stealing you away from her." Hikaru finished the sentence. All I could do was nod.

"Their world is small, but Ayame's has grown since she met you guys," Kyo said, "Hiroko, on the other hand, is hard to get through. Believe me, when she got into the fourth grade, she stopped talking to everyone, even Ayame and she hasn't been the same since then. She started a lot of bad habits in Junior High and told us she got out of them last summer. She has never lied before, but she can hardly keep a promise as well. Hikaru, Kaoru, you guys should know what she is going through right? I remember when your worlds' were so small that you let no one in."

Hikaru and Kaoru looked at each other with sadness. "What do you want us to do.?" They both said.

"I know what we can you!" Tamaki piped in, "We have to help her get out of her bad habits and be her friends! Now here is the plan......"


I hoper you guys are enjoying this story. It took me awhile to write this one chapter. Next chapter Haruhi is going to appear for her first day of the Host Club! the picture is of the triplets, Yuki, Sakura and Sin in that order.

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