Band Camp Love ch. 2

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Hannah's POV

I start to stare at him, I was so scared.

"H-hh-hi Luke." I said studdering.

"Why are yu in the 'E' hallway.?" He said smirking.

"I was looking for Autumn.!!"

"Ohhhh, looks like she left us alone." He said pinning me against a locker. He looks so hot in his tank top and shorts..... No  Hannah, dont fall for someone yu know will just hurt yu.!

"Yes I guess..." I said blushing and looking down. He noticed I was blushing.

"Awe Hannah, are blushing because you like me.?" He said laughing evily and lifts my chin up.

"Umm no, maybe I don't know." I said looking into his beautiful chocolate eyes...

"Okay babe." He said leaning into me. He kissed me softly. I didn't know how to react but kisses back! His lips were so soft and amazing.!! He deepens the kiss so his hands were drawing little circles on my lower back and he pulled away smiling.

"I hope you liked that babe, becuz we have to keep our relationship a secret.." He said whispering in my ear, he walks away leaving me speechless. I look at the time, 12:45 pm,m, shit I am going to be late. I start running to the Band room, Autumn was there laughing and flirting with Beau.

"Autumn, why in the hell did you leave me for.?" I said yelling down the hallways, still trying to catch my breathe from running,.

"Well I saw you and you lover so I decide to left y'all alone. So I came back and started talking to Beau." She said grabbing our interment.

"Okay boys and girls lets go back and get sports done.!" Mr. K said.

**Hey guys sorry I have been posting I've been in guard practice and shows and being doing a lot of school work. I'll try to keep posting.!! Love you babes:)**

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