Author's Note

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Hey guys it's Lauren here.... Um I haven't updated in like over a month and honestly I have no explanation... Probably none of you know this but this year was my first year of middle school. It's been really hectic and really really stressful. I'm also on the basketball AND soccer teams at my school, so I am always going to games and practices. I have basketball 7th hour & so j would practice basketball until the end of seventh hour ( If we had after school practice, then it was until 3:50 and I would have to miss some of soccer) and then I would go practice soccer until 5:30ish. I'm not trying to make excuses for not updating, but I'm trying to explain why I haven't had time to do anything. My teachers all give us butt loads of homework and I can say that I've cried a few times. Even last year sometimes I did kind of have a lot, but the Louisiana government changed our end of the year assessment, so we have started reading and writing A LOT MORE. Now I legit have homework in every subject and probably at least one essay a week. I mostly don't go to sleep until 10:00ish and then I wake up at 6:40 and start the whole process over again. Some of you probably have way more stressful schedules than mine, but school has never been like this for me. I'm so excited for Christmas though and I'm going to try to update more over the break. I'm hoping to just focus on one book at a time. I've had Fugglebugs and Juneberries on hold for a while, but I kind of wanna give it a new title, and go back and edit the parts BIG TIME. I wrote those when I had just turned eleven so they're kind of bad, but idk. Most of the chapters are only 1 or 2 pages long, so I want to add on to them. My most read story right now is my 1D fanfic, but my friend and I never write in it anymore, so I kind of want to delete it. I haven't told anyone this, but I already have covers for a whole one direction series, and they're all like antique themed from like the sixties. Comment if you would want me to start on those. This is like a huge update, but I felt like I just needed to inform you guys of what's going on in my life. One if the main reasons I am doing this authors note is because IM GETTING A LAPTOP. All of my stories were either typed off of and IPhone or IPad, so it was kind of hard to type. I'm probably getting the hp pavilion 2 n 1 13.3. This is my Christmas present from my dad and my grandmother so I'm really excited. We are going to get it tomorrow, but then we have to take it to the computer place, so they can put the antivirus on it and get it set up. Also I have a mad addiction with the sims 4, so I'm gonna get them to download Origin onto there and also all my games, so that I don't use another 20ish gigabytes of wifi doing it at my house lol. Also were getting Office Student Home out on their so I can mainly do school work. I really hope we get wifi at my mom's house so I can really get on wattpad a lot, but no promises. OH AND MY AUNT JUST GAME ME LIKE THE BEST BLANKET EVER SO SHOUTOUT TO HER I LOVE U SO MUCH. Anyway.....

Love u guys,

    Lauren xo

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