6:26 PM // December 21st 2015

32 1 0

You know how I know I'm going to be okay? Because someday I'm going to find somebody perfect for me. I'm going to find someone to put up with my obnoxious car singing and my want to sit outside until the sun drops just so I can enjoy the sunset. I'm going to find someone who is going to wake up with me and shake me until I can't feel my arms and the only thing I'm going to do when I see their face is smile. How could you be mad at a face that loves you? I'm going to find somebody who takes me on surprise drives to places we've never been just for a day or two of adventure. I'm so big on nature that I could literally be taken anywhere and be satisfied. I'm going to fall for someone who knows how I take my coffee and what I don't like on my pizza and they're going to love me regardless of my boring habits and my crazy talents. I'll fall for someone who will mess around with me while we bowl and purposely try to make me do worse than I'm capable of. I'm going to love somebody some day and I can't wait until I get to experience what that actually means. I've come across a lot of people in my life that I could have loved and I'm a little glad that I never let myself fall into something like that. There's so much to look forward too and I'm so excited for what's to come. I'm excited for the mere thought of love someday. Patience until then is key. ❤️

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