Chapter 3: Mancante

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Chapter 3: Mancante

Three hours of rest, food, good conversation and a few party games does wonders for a foul mood. After only a few hours, the nations were all looking much better, and some were even laughing and poking jokes at each other. Those who were napping had been woken up, and everyone had eaten something—even if it was just a light lunch. Italy and China both made sure that everyone had time to digest their food before they even considered continuing the memories—didn't want anyone to be sick.

"Is everybody ready?" Italy reluctantly asked. Some of the nations tensed, losing the light atmosphere they'd just had.

"As ready as we'll ever be." England replied, surprising a few nations. He was likely going to be shown next, right? So far, everyone but the Italy twins had died. It was a sobering thought.

"All right." Italy nodded, before turning to the white ceiling. "Saya? We're ready to continue." There was no verbal reply.

The next memory faded in. The Regios they now found themselves in greatly resembled London, minus the smog and mugginess. "Welcome to Oweyr." Italy said, as they looked around themselves.

England, in particular, looked around with awe. He could practically feel his lands here. The connection to this place was so unique... He suddenly understood Francis' decision to fight and defend Jubil. He knew that he'd do the same for Oweyr.

Feliciano and Lovino were apparently asking for directions to somewhere, as they were pointed towards a grand manor. They walked up to the gate, and hit the intercom button. "Ciao, is Arthur here?" Feliciano asked, as Lovino scoffed under his breath. "He'd better be here, damnit! We've spent two fucking years looking for the stupid Scone Bastard."

"I-Italy?! Is that you?!" Arthur's voice came across the intercom. "Hold on, I'll open the gates for you!" There was the sound of hurried footsteps, a loud thud, and some cursing, but the gate finally opened.

They were invited into the house by a rather excited—and slightly limping, due to a stubbed toe—Arthur Kirkland.

"Welcome~! It's so good to see that you two are still kicking. Please come in!" He grinned, stepping aside so they can come in. He directed them to the chairs in his living room and served the two some tea. "Would you like me to make you some snacks? I was just thinking about making some scones?"

Lovino and Feliciano's eyes went comically wide, as they shook their heads, saying "No! No thanks! We're fine!"

"We just ate, actually!" Lovino quickly said, while Feliciano nodded his head rapidly beside his brother, praying that he wouldn't be forced to endure the torturous blobs that England called scones.

"Oh, shame. Perhaps next time?" Arthur said, as he munched on something that came out of his pocket. They didn't know what it was supposed to be, but it certainly didn't look edible.

"Ah~ I want some crumpets now." England said, as the others America cried out, "That's supposed to be a cookie?!"

"They're called crumpets!"

"Dude, either way, that's not food."

"It is food! And it's delicious!"

"Dude, those things you call scones aren't food either." America said, ignoring England's protests.

"My scones are scrumptious!" England cried.

"Non, they are death." France bluntly stated, receiving a heated glare from England, who looked about to argue the point more, when Lovino finally spoke. "We met France a couple of years ago. We've been looking for you since then." His tone was solemn, and Arthur lowered his supposed crumpet.

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