Chapter 4: Viaggi

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Chapter 4: Viaggi

The next morning showed Italy waking up before anyone else—out of pure habit. Japan had, at some point in the night, handed off his watch to China. "Ohayo..." He mumbled in Japanese, as China turned to greet him.

"Zăo ān, Italy. You're up early, aru..."

"Ve~ I'm used to it. I'd get up early every day to further my research." He stated, rubbing his eyes as he stretched in a cat-like manner.

Italy ended up sitting next to China, as they watched the sunrise—how there was a sunrise in the Aurora, they didn't know, but questioning it ended up giving them both a headache, so they just decided to enjoy it—in companionable silence, enjoying the peace while it lasted. Japan awoke not too long after Italy, and joined them; sitting on Italy's other side. He made no mention of what happened the night before, and Italy was grateful.

About an hour later, everyone was up and about, though admittedly rather cranky. France had somehow migrated in his sleep to England's sleeping bag, and started cuddling him. Of course, Japan and Italy—the latter for blackmail purposes more than anything—took a picture of the two cuddling together, before England woke up and started a typical Frangland fight. Of course, this fight woke up the other nations, except for America who could sleep through pretty much anything—only Canada, Italy, and Romano seemed to know how he was able to do so. However, once Russia got involved, and started kolkolkoling, America sprang up as if someone had suddenly given him a double shot of espresso. Needless to say, it was havoc. Finally, the only nation who was trying to continue to sleep had had enough.

Canada had many secrets that the other nations didn't know, though admittedly, most were only secrets because nobody noticed him. Among them, was the little detail that he was not a morning person. Even America was scared of his twin if he was woken up too early. Canada may have been the more docile twin, but he was actually stronger than America; he just preferred not to use his monstrous strength often. But if there was one thing that pissed the normally peaceful Canadian off—other than interrupting his Hockey—it was being woken up too early, with no pancakes, no maple syrup—or really cheap maple syrup, how insulting!—and loud chaos.

So when the Canadian had finally had enough, he slowly sat up in his sleeping bag, with a dark glare on his face. America, recognizing the look immediately, did the intelligent thing and got as far away from the chaos his brother was glaring at as possible. Italy and Romano, while not knowing the Canadian as well, recognized the glare as one that they commonly wore when someone had crossed a dangerous line. And seeing as America was trying to get as far away from the mess as possible, they took the hint and also moved away, with Japan and China following their lead. Prussia had noticed shortly after America had, and knew that he'd be better off with the quiet group cowering behind the rocks. "It isn't Unawesome if it saves you from Birdie's wrath." He muttered under his breath.

Unfortunately for the other nations (including England and France, who normally would've recognized the look and run for the hills, but due to being engrossed in their argument, completely missed the warning signs), nobody else recognized the danger that they were undoubtedly in.

"ENOUGH!" Canada yelled—actually yelled—in anger. England and France, recognizing the danger too late, 'eeped' and hugged each other for dear life. What happened next was a thorough tongue-lashing (and a few fists) from a very angry Canadian. Russia was quickly reminded of the reason why he feared the normally silent nation.

By the end of a full 30-minute rant, the nations that were yelled at felt like five-year-old children being scolded by a beloved grandparent—which was typically much worse than being scolded by ones parent.

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