Chapter 1: Segreti

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A/N: Hey guys! I decided that this story probably wasn't getting enough views because the word count was too small, so I relented and uploaded the first Chapter. Please enjoy, and TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK! Do you want me to continue this story? Is it interesting? Do you like the idea? Please give me some feedback to work with. Onigai~!

DISCLAIMER: *Sigh* If I owned either of these, then I'm sure HetaOni would be a movie, and this would be the sequel... Fortunately for the feelz of the Hetalians, I own neither. Darn.

Chapter 1: Segreti

The first thing Italy became aware of upon awakening was the unique auras of the other nations. It took him only a split second to recognize France, Germany, Prussia, Japan, China, America, Canada, Russia, Romano, Spain, and England, and register the fact that they were all unharmed. The next thing he became aware of was a pounding headache. Ve! My head hasn't hurt this bad since I was thrown through that wall! Finally, he registered that they were most certainly not in the Meeting Room anymore. Hell, they weren't even in the same building anymore!

One after another, as the seconds passed, the others started waking up, much to his relief. Groaning, he eased himself into a sitting position, stretching his muscles, and checking himself over for damage. And thanks to his Internal Kei, his headache was already easing away.

"Where the hell are we?" Romano asked as he, along with everyone else, stood up, rubbing their heads.

Italy looked around the room. It was white, with no furniture, and no windows or doors. In fact, it wasn't even a room, as much as it was an endless expanse of white. He realized that the entire area was saturated in kei energy. Now that he was aware of it, it seemed to hit him all at once, and he swayed slightly. He caught himself before anyone noticed, but it gave him one hell of a migraine, even with his Internal Kei helping. But what really scared him was that it held the same kei signature as the aurora.

A kei signature is as unique as a retina or fingerprint; everybody has their own kei signature, regardless of whether or not they can use/utilize/activate their kei, and regardless of whether or not they have a kei organ. Without kei, any living thing will die. It just wasn't until—

"Mon dieu! Where are we?!" France cried out, cutting off Italy's mental wanderings.

"How strange... It's as if that aurora transported us somewhere..." England trailed off, but it made Italy gasp audibly, catching the other nation's attention.

"Don't tell me!" He gasped quietly.

"What? Do you know something, Veneziano?" Romano asked, suspicious.

"I... I think we're inside the Aurora..." He trailed off, unable to fully comprehend it. The Aurora was, after all, an extremely powerful and mysterious thing, even to him. And he'd studied it extensively for centuries!

"That isn't possible, aru! An aurora is simply the visualization of the Earth's magnetic field, aru!"

"Then explain how it appeared in our Meeting Room? And how it was glowing?" Canada spoke up for the first time, startling the others.

Italy's hand migrated towards his pocket again, as he sensed something approaching, but with the large and chaotic kei surrounding them, he couldn't figure out what it was. Ve... But if we really are inside the Aurora... I hope I don't have to use that spell... I don't want to go through that again... and using that power could kill me... Permanently.

Italy's eyes narrowed as it came closer... closer...... closer......... Finally, he could see something. Ve! It's... "Saya...?" Italy breathed out in shock. He'd expected a monster, a fairy, a person, but the last thing he'd expected, was Saya.

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