Interview With @british_bounds

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So thanks to everyone still taking an interest in reading and voting for this story, and to those that actually checked out some of my own stories or some other ones I pointed out.

Also thanks to @SaraSieraGomez who suggested me to interview @british_bound, and thanks so much for agreeing to this.

If you would like to be interviewed or anything, just ask! Want me to share around a book? Just ask. But only on this book.

So on to the interview, I hope you all enjoy :)

1) What brought you to Wattpad?

I had gotten ahold of my favorite author (Jillian Dodd) and I started to explain that I wanted to become an author but I didn't know where to start and she suggested that I try out wattpad because there was a lot of beginning authors. At first I really don't do a lot of fanfics, I tried to write more actual stories, but my heart was more set on writing fanfics in the long run so that what I did.

2) What inspired you to start writing?

Writing is the way to express yourself indirectly. If there is something I want to say but don't know how I can easily just wrote it. That's it. That and I have always loved reading, and it gives me such a happiness...I hope that what I write has the same impact on at least one other person.

3) Would you presume you're writing outside of Wattpad?

Yes and no. I write a little bit but not as much as I used to.

4) Are you thinking about writing another fanfic?

Most definitely, but not right now: I have to finish The Forgotten Tomlinson before that happens. But after that, definitely.=

5) How does it feel to have one of you're stories with nearly 50k reads?

Does it really? Oh my god that made my day. It feels like walking on a cloud. Imagine the happiest thing you've ever experienced. That's what it feels like.

6) Whats that one thing you may like to do a bit more than writing or just as equally?

I love fashion. Just taking clothes and making them my own. I like that.

7) Is there any tips or anything you'd like to say to you're fans and readers, who may or may not want to pursue as a writer?

To my fans; thank you. I've always been really insecure about my writing. There are so many people out there that have it made. But I don't. I am working for this, but you've made the work so easy. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. To writers; you can do it. If there is one thing you need, it's yourself. Everything else will come but all you need is yourself in the beginning.

So thanks so much for doing this interview, it really does mean alot.

Everyone else should check out some of her books, listed below:

The Forgotten Tomlinson 14 parts / 61 pages:   Everyone knows the Tomlinson family; Louis, Charlotte (AKA Lottie), Felicite (AKA Fizzy), Daisy and Phoebe Tomlinson. Maybe the whole world doesn’t know everything about the sisters, but they know enough because once someone in your family is famous and “attractive” it becomes the mission of pretty much every girl in the world to dig up information about every single person and event in the past of the famous person. In this case the famous person was Louis Tomlinson. Every “Directioner” out there thinks she knows every little detail about Louis Tomlinson and his family. Well, that Directioner is wrong; because, those girls don’t know everything in Louis Tomlinson’s life. That’s a promise. And that is a promise I do not intend on breaking; because, that girl does not know about me; Michelle Sawyer Tomlinson. ∞∞∞ Mickey has been living in a hospital for the past three years, becoming the Tomlinson no one even knows about anymore. She's there, but not there at the same time. Now, finally out of the white walls; the first day out she's run into Niall Horan from her brother's band. This can only mean one thing. Drama. How will Mickey handle the outside world? And how will the outside world handle Mickey?

Save You Tonight [COMPLETED] 55 parts / 221 pages:   Heather was alone. Up until her parents proved that they knew she was still alive and living in their house when they told her to get lost and they shipped her off to some old lady. Well, the old lady wanted nothing to do with Heather, so Heather got shipped off to the old lady's TOTALLY HOT grandson's house. After a few days with the grandson, Heather got brought to an orphanage where Heather planned on staying for the next year (until she turned eighteen) but it didn't turn out that way. Well, lets just say that five famous lads called One Direction ended up adopting her. Wow.

Throw in some long-lost siblings she never knew existed, a Mother who has commitment problems, the possibility of opening for One Direction on their tour, some boyfriend problems, hate, and most importantly the lads themselves. Going from having nothing to having everything and more is quite the change for an eighteen year old girl. But the real question is; is Heather meant for this crazy life of a star, or is she meant for the life of a quiet girl who is barely acknowledged?

So i hope you all take the time to read some of her fanfics/stories. 

Also want me to interview you?? Just ask :)  Have any suggestions on who i should interview? Go right ahead and tell me, i'm all ears.

So thanks guys, dunno when the next update will be, lets hope soon :)

~adriana <3

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