Chapter Two

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The door to my new room was flung open by god knows who. My eyes flutter and my body automatically sit straight up from my bed. My eyes quickly move towards the door then to the two figures standing in the door.

A girl with pastel grey hair with pink and purple at the ends. She doesn't look any older than 19 maybe even younger. Her body was short and a bit chubby but not too much. Next to her was a much taller guy with dark brown hair and hazel eyes. The same eyes I saw in the office. He seems much taller and has a much muscular body. And he has tattoos I haven't noticed. I finally realize I'm staring the guy dead in the eyes. I gaze down at my feet which are on the cool floor.
"Hey there stranger." The girl says with a smile.
"H-hey.." I mumbled.
"So you're my roommate huh?" She asked while walking to her closet. I nod and play with my fingers. A bad habit both my brother and I have when we're embarrassed.
"Did you hear me girly?" The girl asked me breaking me from my train of thought.
"Huh?" I blush "no sorry what were you saying?"
"What's your name?" She chuckled at my drifted mind.
"A-Ashley." I manage to push out my mouth.
"Well I'm Samantha, but you can call me Sam." She smiles showing her perfect smile. I nod and she continues.
"That's Luke." She motioned to her friend leaning on the door, eyes closed. "We're going to a party if you wanna join Ash." She says with a devious smirk.

As she soon as the word party left her mouth Luke eyes opened immediately and stared at Samantha, Sam.
"Oh..uh.." I stumbled on my own words. "I don't know."
"Come on." She batted her eyelashes like a child " its the biggest party of the year. Please."
I sighed and and nodded my head. I have to admit I do love me a party. Ashton and I always sneaked out to party and drink. Even after my parents found out, they didn't mind us staying out until 5am.

She squealed and grabbed my arm pulling me up off my bed. A squeal managed to leave my mouth. She pulled me to the bathroom and pushed me in front of the mirror.
"Lemme fix your hair." she asked while smiling ear to ear. I nodded unable to turn down someone playing with my hair.


What seems like hours later she was finally done ruling my long wavy hair and applying light makeup onto my face, even after I said no repeatedly. She told me to stay put coming back with two dresses in her hand. One a short red dress, simple. The other is a floral short strapless dress. She has that smile on her face what I can't turn down. I sigh and take the floral dress from her hand and removing my clothes and putting on the dress. It's short, since she is a bit shorter than me but only by a inch or two. I tug at the end of the dress and I exit the bathroom to find my tights. I found them, it has a lace pattern on it, by I'll have to do for right now. I put on my black heels and take a look in the body length mirror. I gasp at the sight of myself an Sam laughs at me.
"Let's go." She says pulling me by my wrist out side. As I exit Luke looks me up and down causing me to blush.
"Let's go." He finally says.


When we arrive to the house it has people littered all over the yard. Sam was right it was the biggest party I've ever been to. I hop out the car and wait for Sam who is reapplying her lipstick. I check myself in the reflection of the window. My light brown hair is perfectly curled at the ends, makeup is perfect. I'm beauty, that's a first.

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