Chapter 13

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It so happened that the following evening was the lovely, dreaded, engagement party.

It took two hours to get into the city. Gas stops were needed ("You dent one car and leave the other on empty?" "I'm a woman of many talents"). But still. Point A to B was accomplished.

Of course, Lem had to book the trendy restaurant in its near entirety. Jack started chuckling until Jackie rolled her eyes and shoved him through the doors. There was a throng of people waiting to get in, but Jackie saw Jean first and practically leaped, dragging Jack with her.

Oh look, it's the suburb Bumpkins," Jean smiled teasingly. "How are the neighbors?"

"We're not hicks, you dumbass," sighed Jackie, stealing a sip from her glass. "Where's Lee?"

"Sunshine Girl?" Jean shrugged, adjusting her shades. "Who knows. Oh!" Her face brightened, as she put her hand on the shoulder of the man beside her. He turned around slowly, and Jack saw he wore matching thick frames and a knit red cap. "This is my boyfriend, Steve. He's a film student. At NYU."

"Neat," managed Jack. Steven's face was expressionless.

"I'm Jacqueline," Jackie took his hand. "I would say I've heard all about you, but this one doesn't bother calling."

"I like distant relations."

Jack raised an eyebrow. Jackie, however, made it a point to set down her drink and thwack her sister in law upside the head: "Grow up, Jean. And take off the damn Ray Bans. We're inside, for God's sake."

As they walked towards their end of the restaurant, Jack laughed and touched her arm, "Yeah, so what happened to the meek little sister I actually remember?"

Jackie smirked, "Oh, she's in there somewhere. At least she's no Janet."

"Christ, I forgot about her."

"At least Janie's not home for a couple weeks."

They stopped walking. There they were, in the center of the room: The Golden Couple. And it all looked so disturbingly natural that Jack was rooted to the spot for a few moments. Lee, lovely as ever, skirted across the room and swept her sister into a hug. And she dragged her fiancé with her.

Lem was the only thing familiar from Jack's old life. Same wide, carefree smile. Ruffled blond hair and affinity for button-ups. He had already spilled a smidge of mustard on his collar, but the stain was wet. Lee had probably rubbed it out with seltzer water.

"Jack!" Jackie was laughing, gesturing for him to come up. He stepped forward obediently and readied himself for the complete lack of recognition on Lem's face. And ah, there it was.

"Nice to meet you," Lem smiled, extending a hand. Friendly and totally unassuming. "I've heard a lot about you."

"Same here," Jack cleared his throat. "Congratulations."

Lee grinned, "Thanks, Jack."

"I just met your sister, Pat," Jack told him. "She's very sweet. You guys look alike."

Jack didn't know what to say, but he did try to smile.

"Actually, my dear friend, surrogate sister is lurking around here somewhere. Let me go get her," Lem smiled. "Excuse me."

"Marilyn's very nice," promised Lee, watching as her fiancé left the room. "She's very poised."

"I need a drink," muttered Jack suddenly, searching for a waiter.

Lem joined them a few minutes later with an apologetic look: "Mari's on the phone, but she promised to come over in a few before we start dinner."

"That's fine," Lee said, handing him a glass. "We got you something."

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