Chapter 30

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Two Years, Four Months, Three Days


Jacqueline Kennedy (as of 3 months ago!)  glanced up in surprise. The cashier had an antsy smile on his face; his eyes darted from behind thick frames, hand outstretched and waiting.


She slipped a couple of bills out and pushed them across the counter. "Thanks." Daydreaming was a little counterproductive now. Especially at Starbucks, with a full line of texting teens and agenda pushing business associates cluttered behind you.

So she hop, skipped and shuffled over to Pick-Up, where she pocketed an iTunes Song of the Week card and straightened the strap of her Marc Jacobs bag. Or Lee's. "Mine now," Jackie murmured with a smile. A barista filled her cup with foam.

Lady. Jacqueline didn't feel like a lady today. Her hair was wild with curls, bangs poking out from under a animal print headscarf. Her coat had punchy colors. Her jeans were tucked into bright yellow rain boots. She hadn't even bothered much with makeup that Saturday morning; her cheeks were flushed pink, but only from the cold.

Woman Child. That was the affectionate term endured. She looked out the window where remnants of the weekend's snowstorm still coated the sidewalk. Jackie craned her neck. She only saw his back, what with the bench pressed up against the windows. Saw the green  beanie and his black boots, caked with snow. 


Jackie turned. "Brenda."

Brenda Marshall smiled and both women did an awkward half hug, half cheek peck. "Haven't seen you in ages."

"Yeah, really," laughed Jackie. She tucked a strand of hair behind an ear, uncomfortable. "How have you been?"

"Signed on." Brenda's smile spread slowly. "Red Punch Label."

"I'm hugging you."

Brenda giggled, embraced, and pulled back from the bear hug. She was a gorgeous girl. Willowy and lovely and kind. Always an eye-catcher at every one of William's gigs; faces had a natural habit of turning once she wrapped her fingers around a microphone. Will used to tease and call her DC's own Corinne Bailey Rae. "We're moving to New York." Well, New York's own.

Manhattan." Jackie's smile was genuine. "How is he? I mean, I think it's been a year. At least. I haven't seen him around." She pressed her lips together, well on the verge of babbling.

"Really good." Brenda looked down and fiddled with the snaps of her coat, trying to conceal the blush that warmed her face. "Don't get me wrong, it was difficult at first. Seeing as you totally ruined him."

Jackie's mouth fell open. Brenda winked and Jackie simpered, "Hey, not funny yet. That boy made me hate myself for a good three months."

"Oh honey, we know." At Jackie's Bambi stare, Brenda touched her arm, "For the record, we're pretty serious now. And you introduced us."

The barista interrupted her reverie. "Two Decaf Tall Cappuccinos. Miss?" Jackie swiveled on the heels of her boots and picked up the cardboard carrier. Brenda watched her.

Jackie's smile was apologetic. "Look, as long as he doesn't think of me as some über bitch who stomped on his heart. Then life would be okay."

"Girl, don't worry. He's over you."

"Good." Jackie cocked her head. "You two look adorable together. Better than we ever did."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2016 ⏰

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