The first couple of weeks my mom was very supportive she stayed up with us,cried with us,grieved with us but she started acting weird she started coming home very late we stopped going to school because she never woke up in time to take us and a lived almost 17 miles away from our school she started drinking she became very angry and started going out every night all there was to eat in our house was Kraft cheese sliced water and condiments my mom hadn't been grocery shopping since we list my night my mom got so angry she grabbed my brother by his hand and threw him off his highchair because he dropped the crayons I gave to color with on the ground she started to become a complete different person she was not the woman I grew up with she was not the woman who teached me how to read or ride a bike or who teached me that less is better then more with makeup.she was not my mom

The Hearts Way To Home
JugendliteraturMom had been depressed ever since dad's passing I couldn't help but notice she was also dead.Not really dead but emotionally..deceased,decomposed, and dead.