The Kids Aren't Alright

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"Mari, there you are. I was looking for you," Anthony babbled, he obviously went off the deep end. I couldn't even look at him. My dream was still all too vivid, all too real. Although I knew he didn't actually shoot Daiki, I had a pretty good idea that that was what he came here to do. "Don't talk, just don't say a damn word," I barely breathed. "Mari, Mari I-" I cut him off by sending a foot into his face. He sported a matching bloody nose with me. David walked over and stared down at him. "You. You're dead," David seethed, also kicking him in the face, getting his two cents in. David hauled up Anthony by his sweatshirt. Daiki released him. David continued to pummel his face. "That's- for- Ailani!" David spat, intermittently punching him in the face. Anthony was out of it, but still hanging on to his last shred of consciousness. "Hey, we're all mad here,"  he said, laughing. "What could you possibly be mad about?" I hissed at him. "You! You're the one who took Mari from me. She's mine, do you not know?" Anthony said, half smiling, half angry. I don't think he knew what he was saying anymore. "You're him, aren't you? You're the bastard that got her pregnant. I saw you for like half a second in the car and I just knew it was you, I had a bad feeling about it. I couldn't have you living with-" Anthony again got cut off, but this time it was from Daiki's fist. "Shut up, shut your goddamn mouth," he said ominously in a voice that scared me. Finally, for the love of God, someone came into the room. "Hey, are you kids alright?" With my bloody nose and Anthony looking like shit, along with at least two dead kids in the room and a gun on the floor, no, the kids aren't alright.

I walked outside to the front of the school, escorted by a policemen, holding onto Daiki this time though, where I could already see parents gathered. "Oh thank god, you kids are safe," Carra said embracing us. Her voice was slightly hitched, like she had been crying. I looked around at those less fortunate than us. I'm almost glad I'm new here so I haven't become too attached to anyone here. I know Olivia's gone. I saw her in the classroom. I can't even imagine what school will be like when we come back. "Come on, let's get you kids home," Jason spoke, breaking the silence. We weaved through the crowd, Daiki supporting my limping frame. I just wanted to leave.

That night I laid out on the couch, pillows propping up my swollen leg because I was stubborn and stupid and didn't use my crutches today. I just kept thinking what it would be like to be one of those kids. One of the ones that got killed. That's scary man. I'm not ready to die, I'm just getting started. It just amazes me still how close I came to meeting death. Where would I be right now if things had shifted in the wrong direction? The last things I said to Olivia weren't even words, just sounds to pacify her because I couldn't bother with listening to her. I checked my phone. Geez, it was only 10. "Haruki, you awake?" Daiki whispered into the living room. Wow, my first name, this must be serious. "Yeah, what's up?" I answered, staring out the window. "I can't sleep, how about you?" He asked me. "Isn't it obvious? I've had it, I've just had it. This is probably the worst exchange trip anyone has ever had in AFS history. I've already had to deal with my friends dying, j can't do it anymore. And this whole thing with Anthony going insane and Lasercorn and Ailani. I just can't take this anymore Daiki! I want to go home. I'm so sorry I messed up your life here," I sobbed into the couch. He walked over to me. "Don't say you're sorry. You didn't do anything to deserve any of this. In fact, it's kind of a funny story, your flyer came in the mail a few months ago. And I begged, begged Carra to let you stay here with us. So much for fate, right?" he laughed a little. I smiled into the couch. I turned around to face him. "Really? You begged her?" I snickered. "Oh you should've seen it. It was the most pathetic act you've ever seen," he kept going with it. "Hmm, sounds like you," I laughed. "Mari, I love you so much," he stated so sincerely it took me by surprise. I scooted over on the couch to make room for him. He just sat down on the ground and leaned forward, resting his arms in a crossed fashion on the edge of the couch. Eye level with me, staring at me. "I love you too Daiki", I simply replied. Yes, we're teenagers, but I know I've found my soulmate. Without any doubt. You just can't go through what we've been through and still be together after all of it and not be soulmates. If that was Daiki on the cliff in Hana with me, I would've said yes. "What are you thinking about?" Daiki asked me. "You," I replied without hesitating.

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