「Chapter Eleven - A Mourning」

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The following day, RWBY and JNPR were invited to go on a mission with Thyra and Qrow. The two had organized the mission so that it would take two days, and because of the many matches still left, the others had a lot of time before their own duo-matches.

By noon, Thyra was leading them on their journey. Everyone followed her faithfully, and none dared to question her actions. Qrow took the rear of the group, so that he could make sure none of the students would get lost or taken by surprise.

"Soon we'll be approaching an abandoned city that's crawling with Grimm. Negativity still lingers there, and it's alluring to them. So I'd suggest you be ready for a fight," Thyra warned them. "There's not an overwhelming amount of them, at least during the years I've been here, there hasn't. I believe we'll be more than fine."

"And there's no need to worry because we've got two wicked Huntsmen with us!" Ruby piped up enthusiastically, earning a chuckle from her Aunt.

"Indeed you do," Thyra gave an adoring smile, as she turned around, walking backwards as she ruffled the hair of her niece. "But these two Huntsmen have eight astounding students who are eager to fight along with us."

"Eager? Yeah, totally," Jaune muttered, not looking at the woman.

"Aunt Thyra, do you have any stories you can tell us?" Ruby jumped around her Aunt, looking at her with curious eyes. "Like any kind of adventure that you've never told me or Yang?"

"I don't know if there is, Ruby. You've always asked me about my adventures, and I think I've told them all to you two," Thyra shook her head, the fond smile still there.

"Come on, Aunt Thyra! There has to be something," Ruby reasoned, tugging at her Aunt's hand, an old habit of hers. "Can't you think of just one?"

Thyra remained silent for a minute, her face scrunching up in concentration as she racked her brain for any untold story of hers. Ruby waited with baited breath for an answer, and she let out a sigh of relief when she saw her Aunt's face relax.

"Have I told you about the first time I- or should I say, my parents found out about my semblance?" Thyra's grin widened as both Yang, and Ruby shook their heads. "Perfect."

And so Thyra told the tale of how her young parents had discovered her telekinesis. The premise of the story was how two young adults had walked into their baby's room, only to find everything around them floating. The two were left in awe and shock, and had spent about an hour trying to figure out how to stop everything from floating.

"And because I was so young, I had no understanding of what I was doing, and my parents were immediately exhausted, and no longer went to other villagers' houses in fear of me unintentionally making everything float," Thyra chuckled, hearing giggles from some of the students behind her. "It took me a few years to get the hang of it, and though it hadn't been many, I'm sure my parents had aged by over a decade after my antics. From what I vaguely remember as a child, everything had to be taped to the floor until I was eight. I eventually learned how to control my telekinesis, but then they had to deal with the next stage of my semblance, which was-"

The Huntress had stopped speaking, and came to a halt, causing everyone to bump into each other. They finally noticed that they were in the middle of a ruined city, with toppled over skyscrapers, and shattered windows. The city was void of any human or Faunus, and had an eerie atmosphere.

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