「Chapter Eight - A Proposal」

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At the end of the day, students were sent back to their rooms, and advised to get a proper amount of sleep for the next day if they had a match.

Though all teams were supposed to be in their assigned rooms, per request of their nieces, the two Huntsmen managed to get team JNPR into team RWBY's room without the knowledge of any superior.

"Don't do anything too crazy," one had commented, with a suggestive grin.

"Please ignore him, have fun guys," the other had said.

"Love you," they both concluded, before walking away in separate directions.

"Your Aunt and Uncle really spoil you, huh?" Jaune commented, as Ruby, and Yang waved the two goodbye, before Yang closed the door. The two joined the circle with the others.

"It's how they've always treated us. Aunt Thyra however spoils us more. Uncle Qrow usually does things with us when it involves something mischievous or serious." Ruby shrugged her shoulders, as she clutched her pillow. "Aunt Thyra would do anything for us on the other hand, no matter the circumstance."

"The only one Qrow has genuinely spoilt was Aunt Thyra. He's never treated anyone like her," Yang added. "He loved her."

"The way he treated her was so significant to me. I can vaguely remember how he proposed, despite how young I was," Ruby spoke softly, leaning against the bed behind her.

Two Huntsmen were watching their two nieces, the Huntress playing with the oldest one enthusiastically, while the Hunter awkwardly played with the youngest. The giggling of the two resonated throughout the area.

Lifting the blonde, Thyra threw her up, then caught her. She playfully nuzzled her nose into the neck of her niece, Yang laughing and trying to push away the woman who was tickling her. The Huntress pulled away, and pressed a kiss against the cheek of the blonde.

"Who's my favourite blonde?" The Huntress asked, gazing into the violet eyes of her niece.

"Yang is!" Yang exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air, laughing when Thyra spun her around, congratulating her on her correct answer.

Qrow was crouching, eyes looking over at his significant other. A small smile rested on his features, watching the two interact. A bumble of his name reached his ears, and he turned his head to look down at his youngest niece, who sat on the grassy earth. She looked up at him curiously, but she laughed when he poked her chubby cheek.

"What's up, little Rue?" He asked, his smile widening at his beaming niece. "What can Uncle Qrow do for you?"

"Up! Up!" She chanted, raising her hands up towards him. Abiding to her request, the Hunter lifted her up, cradling her in his arms, lightly tickling her stomach, causing more laughter to ensue.

Thyra placed Yang back on the ground, letting her run around. She chuckled to herself, watching the young girl punch at the air, pretending to attack Grimm. The girl declared that she would not be defeated, and continued to advance.

Pushing herself away from her Uncle, Qrow understood that Ruby wanted to be placed back on the ground. Once her feet reached the earth, the young girl stumbled after her sister, pretending to also be a Huntress, though she swung her invisible scythe around, or made shooting noises every now and then.

"It seems like someone is aspiring to be just like her Uncle, huh?" The Hunter turned his head, watching his girlfriend approach. The white-haired woman rested her head on his shoulder, as she wrapped her arms around his waist, his own instinctively wrapping around her. "She looks up to you."

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