Ch1: The Arrival

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I was never one for planes, moving from Busan to Seoul was a rather big move. So that meant going up really high, and everytime I'm up higher than 10 feet I become uneasy.

"Umm..excuse me..could I please have a bag..I think I'm gonna be sick" I asked with one hand on my stomach, the other in the air.

"Of course, and we are just 10 more minutes away from Seoul, so it wont be long." She assured as she handed me a plastic disposal sickness bag.

I could feel my stomach doing flips and I couldn't contain it any longer, within the next ten seconds I found myself throwing up and coughing.

At least the people around me aren't judging me..I thought as I tied the bag up. The landing was softer than expected and before I knew it I was already collecting my luggage. After collecting a map and jumping in a cab, I found myself at the apartment's I was going to be staying at for the next few years.

The place had many windows and had a rich Gold and Red royal feel to it. I walked up the front entrance stairs and was greeted by many of the other guests and staff. I didn't think my stay would be quite so nice. But I shoved that aside and proceeded to my room.

After walking up what felt like a million flights of stairs I finally came across what looked to be my door. At first I wasn't sure about it, but then I thought it might not be so bad, I mean its a vacation away from my terror of a brother and my devil of a sister.

So I decided to just walk in, it was my room after all.
To my surprise the door was unlocked, since I was the first to check in I figured it would be locked. But I put that aside and walked further in. It was nice and bright, and had a cozy feel to it, almost like being in a cabin.
I heard a voice from down the hall, of course I was startled, I thought it was just me living here.

I walked down the hall and to my right stood a guy in a towel, drying his hair. I couldn't help but stare because I had no idea what was going on. Once he noticed me his face turned slightly red. Once I realized I was staring at a half naked guy I suddenly became as red as a tomato. This has never happened to me before, why is it happening now? And right before my birthday too?

"A-and you are?" He asked looking directly at me, blinking as he spoke.

I could hear the embarrassment and nervousness in his voice. This had obviously never happened to him before either.

"I'm S-Sana.. I'm sorry, I-I think I must have entered the wrong room. I'll go now" I said, I felt so bad, he must be so embarrassed.

"N-no it's okay. You just caught me off guard" he said scratching his head.

"I probably should go before I cause any more problems.. Sorry about this" I didn't wanna leave, he seemed so cute and nice, but I wanted to see how he would react.

I began to walk back towards the door when he grabbed my hand. My heart suddenly jumped and I felt butterflies in my stomach. He actually grabbed my hand, not my arm, my hand...o.o

"Just wait here I'll change and come back, don't leave yet" he said as he lead me to a seat and walked off. Part of me wanted to wait and see what he had to say when he came back, another part of me wanted to see what was under the towel, and the other part of me just wanted noodles.. I laughed at the thought then I saw him in the corner of my eye looking at me and smiling a little.

"Oh. Umm.. I wasn't laughing about what happened. I was just -"

"Save it. It's fine. You didn't see anything nor was I embarrassed.. You just startled me that's all.." He sighed " I just wasn't expecting that to happen" He said as he leaned against the wall.

"So..who are you? I told you my name.." I asked hoping he wouldn't think I was rude.

"Me? Oh. I'm Jimin. You're Sana right?" He asked as he walked over and sat beside me.

"Yeh. I came from Busan actually.. I'm here for a holiday, I'm gonna be living here for a few years." I smiled. He was alot kinder than I thought.

"Oh I see.. So thats why you came into our room..?" He asked as he leaned back and let out a huge sigh.

"Was that not the reason you were hoping for?" I asked as I looked him in the eye.

He suddenly turned red, and he sat up as quickly as he could.
"I just thought you were a fan that found out we were staying here.." He admitted

"A fan? Of who? " I asked genuinely not having any idea what he was talking about.

"I..well.. A fan of BTS." He said looking quite confused.

"Oh. I'm terribly sorry but I've never heard of BTS.." I said , then I noticed the sudden look of sadness in his eyes "Oh I didn't mean it like that. I'll check you guys out I promise. But, I really must get going now.. It's almost 5 and I'm yet to have dinner. I'll remember where your room is and I'll come visit you, so don't worry.." I knew I didn't want to leave but I had to, I caused enough trouble and I needed to eat..

I found my actual room, which happened to be right next door, and let myself in, it was just as nice as jimins. It was spacious and had many wonderful vibrant colours. Surprisingly it even had a window between my place and theirs.

I decided to cook my self some ramen and check BTS out since he felt pretty hurt about me not knowing them.
I decided to watch their top tracks and immediatly fell in love with them, I cant believe I saw Park Jimin in only a towel and I didn't even know who he was, man if my friends found out about this.. I almost choked at the thought of him wearing nothing under that towel.. He denied the fact that he was embarrassed, but it was obvious.

"Ok, enough fantasizing, I need some sleep" I sighed and closed my eyes.
I wonder what will happen tomorrow..

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