Ch2: New Beginnings

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I woke up to the sunlight shining on my face through the window. It only took me 3 seconds to remember what happened yesterday and how bad I felt. I still couldn't believe that even happened, Park Jimin ...damn..Part of me feels bad, but another part of me doesn't.. And now that other part of me wants breakfast.

I may as well get up anyway.. I did say I was going to go see him.. I made myself some french toast for a change since at home it was rice everyday as Umma used to say.. Come to think of it, I sorta missed her, although she picked on me alot and told me off for even breathing.. She was the best Umma I would ever have and the only Umma I would ever have too..

Sigh.. "What did I do with my wallet?" I panicked, not about my money, but my dads picture was in it, if I lost that..-

"Hey is this what you're looking for?" A guy asked poking his head through that window between our rooms.

"Omg. Yes. That's mine thanks. Min Yoon Gi right?" I asked hoping he would know who I was.

"Yeh. That's me. And you're that girl that saw Jimin naked right? Sana or something" he grinned.
....Not quite was I was hoping...

"Hey! He wasn't completely naked! He had a towel on! And yes I'm Sana.. Nice to meet you to Min.."sigh

"Hey even though he was only half naked. You still saw something didn't you?" He asked as he climbed through the window like an awkward spiderman.
I couldn't help but laugh at him, he looked so stupid.
"Hey! Are you laughing at me? Do you want this thing back or not? If not I'll take it back" he said as he put a hand on the window frame.

"No no! I want it. Please give it to me.. I need it" I said hoping he would give in easily.

"You didn't think I was that easy did ya? You gotta give me something in return. I found it.. I could've chose not to return it but I greatful damn it" he said as he threw my wallet at me.

"What is it you want?" I gulped.. Hopefully he didn't want anything to rash..
"Your number... Not because I want it...but because someone else wants it..and they asked me to get it.." He said as he sighed and leaned back against the wall.

"Ok.. Hang on.. I'll write it down" I wrote my number because I didn't wanna get on his bad side..
"Here" I sighed and handed him the piece of paper he took it and grabbed my hand.

"Do you feel the same way you did when Jimin grabbed your hand?" He asked feeling my skin and fingers.

"Umm..I didn't feel anything then.." I said trying to defend my case.

"Umm.. I know you did..he said he felt your heartbeat..which I can't so I guess that means no?" He sighed and let go of my hand and climbed back through the window.." Next time I'll use the door" he winked at me.

I wasn't sure what the hell he was trying to do.. But that guy is seriously weird.. Ugh man.. I gotta take a shower to wash away all my guilt..

I turned the shower on and stripped down.. But I realised I forgot my bra.. So I ran back out to get it. Hopefully no one saw me through that window otherwise I'd be dead..

--Namjoons P.O.V --

Holy crap! Did I just see our next door neighbour naked..? No way. Can't be. Would never happen. It just did u_u.

"Ok maybe she was wearing skin colour clothes.." I was sure of it..-

"Who was wearing skin colour what?" J-hope asked looking all confused.

"Oh nothing I was just thinking how.. Skin colour tights look cool and pretty on girls.." I tried my best to save the situation.. If I really did see her naked I wanted to be the only one..for reasons..

--back to Sana--
"Man. If someone did see me before they might have thought weird thoughts..." I couldn't even think straight.. I became worried about before.. I shouldn't of ran out like that.. It was such a daring move..

Suddenly I heard the bathroom door close..
"H-hello..?" I asked.. I was nervous..maybe it was him...
I peeked out and saw Namjoon leaning against the towels..

"Umm..hey Namjoon.. I'm a fan of you.. Your music is really good" I said hiding the fact that I was embarrassed.

"Do you remember me?" He asked looking towards the shower curtain.

"Umm...Well...I know that your Namjoon.. A famous rapper and a member of BTS.. If thats what you mean.." I wasn't sure what he meant..hopefully I answered correctly..

"That's not exactly what I meant..You remember in primary school this kid called Nam Joonie? And you had a crush on him.. And he was an underground rapper..?" He asked as he walked closer towards the shower.

My heart suddenly stopped.. Could he be.. Nam Joonie from the past..?

"I.. What about it..?" I asked nervously.. Forgetting that there was only a cloth separating us..

"Well.. What would your reaction be.. If..he was standing in your bathroom.. Possibly about to kiss you..?" He asked with a devilish tone in his voice.

"I..umm..well..I.." My heart couldn't contain itself I thought that it was gonna jump out of me.
"I.. Are you..-"
Suddenly he grabbed my towel and wrapped it around me and pulled me out of the shower.. I was now sitting on the ground.. In front of Kim Namjoon pretty much naked..
Once I remembered that I was still half naked in a towel I turned pink.. I was embarrassed for sure.. Part of me wanted him to leave.. Another part of me wanted to see what would happen..

"Do you believe that it's me?" He asked with wide eyes.."do you feel comfortable around me?"

I wasn't sure whether he meant comfortable being half naked or just being close to him in general..of course I wasn't going to say that.. So I wasn't sure what to say..
"W-well.. I am comfortable around you..and I believe it's you.. Remember..when you told me you didn't want to accept me until you were a famous rapper gaining lots of money..?" I had to see if it was really him..if he remembered this..

"Yeah.. I do remember I said that" he slightly turned pink.
It seemed to be him..

" became a rapper.. W-was it because of me or did you just follow your dreams and forget about me?" I genuinely wanted to know since he did become successful..

"B-both" he said as he looked away.. I suddenly realised..maybe he said that because he liked me then..but knew he wouldn't be able to provide for me so he shook it off...

"Do you still like me?" He asked looking back at me with nervous eyes..

"Well.. I..yeah.." I felt so nervous..did he still like me? Would he ever date me? All these thoughts crossed my mind..but then I remembered I was in only a towel and I started to get cold..

At that moment he leaned forward and kissed me. I didn't know what was going on. Kim Namjoon from BTS was kissing me my own bathroom..I kissed him back..
Once he realised I began kissing him back he parted and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his arms.. As he embraced me I could feel his muscles through his shirt.. And I could feel his heart beating just as fast as mine.. Part of me never wanted this to end.. Another part of me wanted to run away and hide.. And the other part of me wanted to put my clothes on..

"Umm.. Can I get dressed now?.. Don't forget I'm still in a towel.." I didn't want to end it but I had to..for the sake of my dignity..

"Oh. Ugh. Yeh. I sorry about that" he scratched his head and got up and left the room.
I still couldn't believe that happened...

I put my clothes on and went back out into the lounge room. He obviously left out of embarrassment.
I shrugged that aside and put the TV on.. I noticed the TV mention BTS so I locked my eyes on it..

TV: Fans say that they spotted Bangtan Boys in apartments located near the park.

"Oh crap. Do they know about this? I should probably go warn them" I couldn't let them be discovered..they'd have to move... Namjoon would have to move..

I walked over there feeling confident.. All I had to do was warn them and leave..
I knocked on their door...

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